Mango and Basha Prepare for Next Chapters
Mango and Basha, 1-year-old Amur leopard brothers, are growing up – and gearing up for their next big adventure. As the first Amur leopard cubs born at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in nearly 20 years, their highly anticipated births made history in May 2023. Now, their care team is preparing them to leave CMZoo for other . . .
Big Cats Are Making Big Moves To and From CMZoo
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is preparing for the arrival of a female Amur tiger, Mila [MEE-luh], in early March and the departure of a male African lion, Boma [BOH-muh], in late March. The two moves support their respective Species Survival Plans, but aren’t necessarily immediate breeding recommendations. Organizations accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums . . .
BB’s Big Summer Road Trip!
RETICULATED GIRAFFE TO MOVE TO DENVER ZOO IN SUPPORT OF SPECIES SURVIVAL PLAN BB, a 21-month-old giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, will soon be cruising up I-25 to meet her new playmate, 5-year-old Dobby, and his mom, Kipele, at Denver Zoo! Although BB’s exact moving date will not be shared, guests can see her at . . .
A Grateful Farewell: Thimbu’s Relocation for the Survival of Amur Tigers
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo will soon bid a heartfelt farewell to Thimbu [TIM-boo], a nine-year-old Amur tiger with a freckled nose and an ‘aww-inspiring’ way of adorably rolling on his back in the tall grasses of Asian Highlands. As part of a breeding recommendation from the Amur tiger Species Survival Plan (SSP), Thimbu is moving to . . .
Rae’s New Adventure
In September 2019, Rae, two-year-old CMZoo reticulated giraffe, will be embarking on her next adventure as an animal ambassador at Lincoln Park Zoo, in Chicago, Ill. The daughter of Msitu and Khalid, and sister of newborn, Viv, and six-year-old, Emy, who now lives in Peoria, Ill., will be dearly missed by CMZoo staff and giraffe fans...