All About Alaska Moose Atka’s Amazing Antlers

September 18, 2024

Four-year-old Atka has grown impressive antlers this year, marking the end of the antler-growing season. Each year, male moose grow a new set of antlers. His antlers, once covered in velvet to help them grow, have now shed the fuzzy layer, revealing the iconic white antlers we associate with moose.

Once his impressive antlers have hardened, he will likely start using them. In autumn, male moose spar for territory and mates. Moose are typically solitary in the wild, and we replicate that for Atka at CMZoo while also providing him with plenty of opportunities to spar with trees and enrichment if he chooses. In the winter or spring, Atka will shed his antlers completely and begin the growth process again.

Stop by Rocky Mountain Wild to see Atka’s 2024 antlers before he sheds them this winter!

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