Bob Chastain, CMZoo president and CEO, is back with an update on Water’s Edge: Africa! From the indoor penguin pool, Bob gives the details about the pool and underground excavation, soil testing (good news!), and reconstruction of the hippo and penguin pools. The next step is additional water testing, which involves measuring how much the pools’ water levels are dropping overall, and establishing how much of that water is evaporating, rather than leaking. It’s a complicated process when you consider the intricacies of the pools, the indoor and outdoor elements and multiple surfaces.

Although we don’t yet have an opening date, we’re still looking at bringing hippos and penguins home as early as March, so stick with us. We’ll keep you posted as we progress through this next testing phase.

Thanks for your continued support!

A team of eight veterinary professionals from Powers Pet Emergency and Specialty gathered in the veterinary hospital at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo on Thursday. They were eager to help remove a foreign object from the stomach of a nine-month-old female mountain lion and donate their time to save her life.

They cleared their schedules at the practice to help Adira, who has had a tough start to her life. She was orphaned in the wild at just six weeks old, along with her sister Sequoia and brother Sitka. Although they were fortunate to find a safe home at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, their misfortune continued when Adira’s sister, Sequoia, passed away unexpectedly Sunday night while recovering from a spay surgery. Because Adira received the same surgery, the CMZoo veterinary team, led by Dr. Jon Romano, CMZoo head veterinarian, conducted an additional post-op exam on her and found something unexpected. While doing an x-ray on her, they saw a foreign object in her stomach, which was completely unrelated to her previous surgery. That unintended discovery likely helped to save her life.

The Zoo’s internal veterinary team immediately sprang into action to secure the professional assistance needed to help Adira. Dr. Brianna Backlund, a veterinary internal medicine specialist and skilled endoscopist, and Dr. Brandy Cichocki, veterinary surgeon, answered the call with their expert support teams and specialized equipment.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is relieved to report that Dr. Backlund’s team successfully removed a 19”-long rubber-coated electrical cord from Adira’s stomach. Although Dr. Cichocki’s surgical team was thankfully not needed, they were on hand in CMZoo’s vet hospital in case there were any complications with the endoscopy procedure.

“When I walked into the hospital, I was impressed with the medical team assembled in front of me,” said Bob Chastain, president and CEO of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. “Watching them work with the scope and getting to see the actual removal of the cord was fascinating. I am so appreciative that partners in our community care enough about an individual mountain lion that they would devote their entire day to saving her.”

Adira’s care team traced the cord back to a scale they used to ensure the cubs were gaining weight appropriately when they were about six months old. The scale is a heavy, industrial model, and was kept in the cubs’ den with the cord secured under a fence and out of reach of the cubs – or so they thought. One night in October, the scale became a toy for the cubs, and after they dragged the approximately 40-pound scale away from the fence, they attacked the cord and ripped it apart. In the morning, keepers scoured the area and were convinced they had recovered all of the cord, but Adira obviously had one piece stashed away where they couldn’t find it. As any parent of a young child or any pet owner can attest, children and animals are prone to investigating and ingesting things they shouldn’t. When things happen that aren’t supposed to happen, we’re fortunate to have generous community partners, like the professionals at Powers Pet Emergency and Specialty, to donate their time and expertise to help.

“Dr. Backlund’s expertise in driving an endoscope allowed us to avoid a more invasive procedure for Adira,” said Dr. Romano. “It wasn’t a simple removal because the cord was quite firm and inflexible. Dr. Cichocki’s team was on standby to perform emergency surgery if needed, which would have been especially risky because Adira’s body was already trying to heal from the spay surgery. We’re grateful we could remove the cord without taking more extreme measures.”

After the cord was removed, Adira’s care team took x-rays to confirm there weren’t any additional pieces of cord left behind. They also used the scope camera to check Adira’s stomach for ulcers or lesions, which can sometimes form in the stomach after the presence of a foreign object.

“We did see some very mild ulcers, which we believe are a reaction to the presence of the cord,” said Dr. Romano. “We gave her antacids and anti-nausea medication that should clear up those minor lesions. A bit of good news is that while she was under general anesthesia, we gave her spay surgical site another inspection, and it appears to be almost completely healed.”

Adira has returned to her den in Rocky Mountain Wild and was reunited with her brother, Sitka. Keepers say Adira is calmer when Sitka is with her. Vet and keeper staff will continue to monitor Adira as she recovers from both procedures.

To see a portion of the scope video from Adira’s endoscopy, click here.

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2019, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #6 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just a few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

About Powers Pet Emergency & Specialty

As greater Colorado Springs’ leading 24/7 veterinary emergency and specialty hospital, Powers Pet Emergency & Specialty provides a standard of care you simply won’t find anyplace else in the region. With emergency and critical care services available 24 hours a day, plus advanced care by board-certified specialists in surgery, internal medicine, neurology/neurosurgery, cardiology, rehabilitation, radioiodine therapy and diagnostic imaging, Powers is a trusted one-stop partner to pet parents and the region’s primary care veterinarians. You can find Powers Pet Emergency at 5886 Tutt Blvd., Colorado Springs, Colo., 80923. For more information, call 719-473-0482 or visit

Animal Care Teams Address Additional Complications with Female Sibling

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is mourning the unexpected loss of female mountain lion, Sequoia, who passed away Sunday night after post-surgical complications from being spayed.

Because of Sequoia’s sudden, rare and unanticipated reaction to her recovery, veterinary staff suspected one potential cause may have been an allergy to her sutures. With genetic allergies in mind, CMZoo performed an additional examination yesterday on Sequoia’s sister, Adira, who had the same surgery earlier this month. During that examination – which was intended to give us a better look at how Adira is recovering from the surgery – we were pleased with her healing, but we saw, on x-ray, something that looks like wire or rope in Adira’s stomach. Further investigation will be required before we will know whether it may harm Adira.

The object may pass naturally. Adira’s best hope is to avoid another surgery while she’s still recovering from the first one. If the object is dangerous and Adira needs surgery to remove it, the risk of losing her is elevated, no matter what we do.

Sequoia and Adira were spayed on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020. The surgery requires incisions between the protective muscles on the animal’s abdomen. Although this is a common procedure, any surgery requiring anesthesia is complex and the recovery can run into complications, especially with wild animals that can’t be examined as closely in the days following surgery. Although complications are rare, they are possible, and can be very serious.

The animal care team made the decision to perform spay surgeries on Sequoia and Adira because unspayed big cats are more likely to experience health problems later in life, such as cancer and hormonal imbalance that can cause infection. The mountain lions also needed to be spayed to avoid attracting wild mountain lions to their exhibit during times of estrus, which can be dangerous for animals and our guests. Our third mountain lion sibling, male Sitka, was neutered on the same day that the females were spayed. The neutering procedure is less complex than the procedure for females, and Sitka appears to be recovering well.

“We first noticed swelling around Sequoia’s incision mid-last week, which isn’t unusual,” said Dr. Jon Romano, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo head veterinarian. “We treated her with anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics and continued daily checks while limiting her physical activity. I personally assessed Sequoia on Saturday night and was satisfied with her progress. Sunday morning, we discovered her surgical site had opened up overnight.”

Sequoia’s team rushed her to the veterinary clinic, where they addressed her complications. She survived the emergency surgery, but remained in critical condition and unfortunately passed a few hours later.

“Sequoia’s passing has shocked us,” said Bob Chastain, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo president and CEO. “Even after 25 years in the profession, this doesn’t get easier. It is a reminder that no medical procedure is simple or without risk. As humans in this day of advanced medicine where miracles are performed every day, this is a sobering reminder.”

Sequoia made an enormous impact in her short life. She brought the CMZoo family and the Colorado Springs community a sense of hope and joy. We welcomed her to the Zoo, as she was taken in after being orphaned with her siblings in the wild. Our hearts melted when the kittens formed a relationship with aging mountain lion, “Grandma” Kaya, in her final months. And now, we mourn her together through this tragic chapter. Keepers will continue monitoring Sitka and Adira through their post-surgery recoveries.

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s only mountain zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s hope that guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just a few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

We’re back with an update on our hippo and penguin exhibit under construction, Water’s Edge: Africa. Bob Chastain, president and CEO of CMZoo, explains why we’re experiencing delays and gives the most recent anticipated opening timeline. We really wanted a hippopotamus for Christmas, but (#spoileralert) it’s going to be at least a few more months until we can welcome the hippo girls home.

In October, we told you about a recent health scare with Roxie, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s eldest Western lowland gorilla. Since then, CMZoo animal care and veterinary teams have been monitoring Roxie, and making decisions about the future of her care.

The 43-year-old female became lethargic and refused to eat or drink in early October 2019. CMZoo veterinary team and keepers immobilized Roxie the morning of October 6. At the CMZoo vet clinic, Roxie’s examination included whole-body x-rays and ultrasounds. She was given IV fluids and supportive medications that helped address any infection that may have been present. The examinations revealed multiple medical conditions, the most concerning of which was a suspected infection of Roxie’s reproductive tract. Throughout her life, Roxie has dealt with kidney issues and ulcer-like cysts that have caused gastrointestinal and reproductive system complications. The exam also revealed age-related changes, including arthritis.

While she was under anesthesia, Roxie suffered a cardiac arrest and was brought back to life with CPR and emergency drugs. Since then, Roxie has been mostly stable – except for a couple of days when she had very little appetite.

“We’re taking into consideration her quality of life for her remaining time with us,” said Dr. Jon Romano, head veterinarian at CMZoo. “We don’t want her to suffer, so we’re weighing the benefits and the risks that medical procedures would have on her and the troop. Gorillas are extremely social and Roxie’s immobilizations, hospitalizations and recovery periods require separation, which can be stressful for her and her troopmates. On a daily basis, she seems active and comfortable. There’s no cookie-cutter approach. We’re taking a lot of factors into account and will ultimately do what’s best for the troop.”
Western Lowland gorilla, Roxie portrait
For now, Roxie is receiving medications to address her ongoing issues, but her care team has made the decision not to provide extreme medical intervention going forward. This is a difficult decision for her team, but is in the best interest of Roxie – one of CMZoo’s longest living and most iconic residents.

“If her episodes continue and increase in frequency, we would consider what’s best for Roxie and whether humane euthanasia is the best course of action for her,” said Dr. Romano. “It’s hard to say what our course of action will be, because it will be based on how Roxie is doing at the time. But, we’re no longer pursuing extensive diagnostic medical procedures.”

Heidi Eaton, Primate World animal keeper, has worked with Roxie for 25 years.

“She’s been doing great lately, but we’re being realistic about the fact that her condition could shift at any time,” said Eaton. “She’s on daily medication for age-related issues and the medical challenges she’s experienced throughout her life. The fact that she’s had these ongoing issues and she’s still with us is pretty amazing. She still seems to enjoy life and spending time with the female gorillas and Goma [CMZoo silverback]. As long as she’s doing that, it’s great for her and the troop. But, I also agree with the decision that there’s not necessarily a need for stressful heroics at this point in her life. She is older and it’s not worth putting her through additional testing or exploratory surgeries.”

The median life expectancy for female Western lowland gorillas is 38 years. Her team will continue their dedicated work to keep Roxie comfortable as long as possible with medical treatments that lessen the severity of her symptoms.
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We’ve created a CMZoo 2020 Bucket List! As a new decade approaches, see how many of these unique experiences you can check off the list.

  1. Ride the Mountaineer Sky Ride – Our one-of-a-kind chair lift takes you high up above the exhibits, for a true bird’s eye view of our mountain zoo, Colorado Springs and the eastern plains. It’s open year-round, weather permitting. May 1 through Labor Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the last ride starting at 4:30 p.m. September through April the Mountaineer Sky Ride runs weekends only from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with the last ride starting at 3:30 p.m. Daytime Sky Ride membership passes can be purchased. With admission to the Zoo, combo package tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for children, or $5 for adults and $3 for children at the Sky Ride booth.
  2. Mountaineer Sky Ride view looking east to the plains from seats above

  3. Feed an Elephant – Have you ever been close enough to an 8,000-pound elephant to feel its breath on your hand? You can do that at CMZoo! For $10 or $15 (depending on how much you’d like to feed them), March through October, you can participate in scheduled elephant feedings. Check for a complete schedule of animal demonstrations.
  4. Ride the Carousel – Feel the wind in your hair on our historic carousel. Built circa 1926 and acquired by Spencer Penrose from the Allan Herschell Company of New York to be installed in 1937, it has become a cherished feature of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
  5. Have a Slice at Pizza with a View – This place might change your mind about the food options available at popular attractions. Aptly named “Pizza with a View” for its breathtaking scenery, this European-style pizzeria serves hand-made pizzas, salads, local craft beer, wine and dessert. It’s open year-round from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and gluten-friendly, vegetarian and vegan options are available.
  6. See the Grizzly Bear Demonstration – At one of our most popular animal demonstrations, you’ll learn all about Digger and Emmett, CMZoo’s two male grizzly bears. The demonstrations take place daily at 2:45 p.m. in Rocky Mountain Wild, named Fifth Best Zoo Exhibit in the U.S. in 2019 by USA Today’s 10Best Readers’ Choice. Keepers work with one grizzly through a fence, mere feet away from guests, while another keeper trains with the second grizzly bear to demonstrate their flexibility, strength, speed and other natural behaviors.
  7. Attend an Evening Event – From our popular family events, like our Halloween tradition, Boo at the Zoo, and our holiday lights display, Electric Safari, to our 21-and-up events throughout the year, our evening events offer a new perspective of the Zoo, as well as a tradition for our community. Find out more at
  8. Feed the Giraffe Herd – Perhaps our most popular activity, feeding the giraffe is a must-do for anyone visiting Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Regardless of the weather, guests can feed our giraffe herd for $3 to $5 per bundle of lettuce. Once you’ve been licked by an 18-inch giraffe tongue, your life will never be the same.
  9. Experience a WildNight – Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to have the Zoo to yourself after the sun goes down? WildNights are sleepover programs that include dinner, giraffe feeding, a guided evening tour, an up-close animal encounter at The Loft, a guided morning tour and admission to the Zoo for the following day. Sign up for a scheduled WildNight or create a sleepover of your own at
  10. Take an Outdoor School Class – CMZoo’s Outdoor School offers hands-on and interactive experiences and programs for people interested in connecting with nature, the outdoors, and their families. Classes occur on Zoo grounds, or offsite in other nature-based environments. The focus is less on animals at the Zoo and more on the powerful impacts nature has on us. For a full schedule of upcoming classes, visit
  11. Woman feeding black rhino with a keeper at CMZoo

  12. Feed an African Rhino – For $10 or $15 (depending on how much you’d like to feed him), March through October, you can feed and get to know Jumbe, 16-year-old CMZoo African rhino. Visit for a complete schedule of animal demonstrations and feeding opportunities.
  13. Watch the American Alligator Keeper Talk – Daily at 11 a.m. in Australia Walkabout, meet CMZoo’s gator keepers. Visit CMZoo’s three American alligators at their heated pool and rocks, to learn about their incredible intelligence and unusual digestive characteristics.
  14. Take a V.I.P. Tour – If you’re looking for an extra-special behind-the-scenes experience, a CMZoo V.I.P. Tour may be for you! The V.I.P. experience includes admission to the Zoo for the day, a guided overview of the Zoo (from a golf cart), a Safari Trail tour of African Rift Valley or an exploration of The Loft, giraffe feeding and three behind-the-scenes animal encounters with participating animals of your choice. More information is available at
  15. Attend World Giraffe Day – CMZoo hosts animal awareness events throughout the year, but one of our most popular is World Giraffe Day. It’s annually held on the longest day of the year to salute our longest necked animals in the world – June 21. The Zoo plans events throughout the day, including special enrichment activities and training programs with the giraffe herd.
  16. Get Face-to-Face with an Orangutan – Visit CMZoo’s six orangs in Primate World. The great apes enjoy engaging with guests through glass that allows guests and Primate World residents to interact just inches away. Twice daily throughout the year, orangutans can participate in training and keeper demonstrations, where guests can get to know their personalities, learn about their family dynamics and witness their impressive intelligence.
  17. Participate in the Chicken Parade at My Big Backyard – Consistently a favorite guest experience is the chicken parade, which occurs each morning and evening on warmer days throughout the year. Keepers invite guests to help the 18 chickens, of various unique breeds, parade from their overnight roost to their yard in My Big Backyard.
  18. Feed a Domestic Goat – For $1, guests can feed our domestic goats, probably like never before. A bike-tire-and-pulley system allows guests to fill a cup with feed, which the goats can raise to a 20-foot platform where they stand by turning the bicycle wheel.
  19. Splurge on a Behind-the-Scenes Encounter – Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes at the Zoo, to participate in an animal training session, or even feed your favorite animal ambassador? Make memories with friends, family and our animals and staff by scheduling an encounter. North American river otters, African elephants, African lions, Amur tigers, orangutans and more can participate in these encounters. See the details at
  20. Earn Bragging Rights at Run to the Shrine – May 16, 2020 is CMZoo’s annual Run to the Shrine – a four-mile walk/run through the Zoo, on breathtaking forest roads, to Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun. It’s the only day of the year that people can access the road on foot. And, if the views don’t take your breath away, the impressive 1,000-foot elevation gain will. More information at (Early registration begins Jan. 30!)
  21. Spend a Snow Day at the Zoo – Ask any CMZoo staff member – snow days at America’s mountain Zoo are magical. They usually occur during winter months, when guests can take advantage of Value Days admission pricing. Plus, smaller crowds mean guests get even more individual attention from our outgoing and engaging staff. Many animals, like mountain lions, Canada lynx and river otters, get a little extra spring in their step during cooler temperatures, too.
  22. Attend a Wolf Feeding and Keeper Talk – These scheduled feedings are your best bet for seeing CMZoo’s endangered Mexican wolf pack up close. Because we intentionally keep our wolves as wild as possible, you won’t see wolves training with their keepers. But, at feeding time, keepers will help you get to know the pack dynamic, and tell you all about their tight bonds and what you can do to help restore this endangered species in the wild.
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Many people wonder how we find the amazing staff who care for our animals. What are their backgrounds? What makes them qualified? How do they work together? Just as our year-round sponsor, Children’s Hospital Colorado, shares tips on choosing great child care, we’re sharing what we look for in the incredible folks who care for our animals and how their positions support each other.

It takes a lot of dedicated people to make sure Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s animals receive the best possible care, whether that’s ensuring the animals are physically and mentally stimulated, their habitats are clean and engaging, their diets support their nutritional needs, and any medical issues are addressed.

In addition to having the skills and experience necessary to care for our animals, our animal department staff is passionate about helping guests get to know the animals. Our goal is always to help people make personal connections with animals, which we hope will inspire them to take action to protect species in the wild.

From keeper assistants to keepers and lead keepers, animal care managers and more, our team members’ animal care experience varies, but attention to guest service is a trait CMZoo values just as equally.
Keepers with guests at a grizzly bear encounter in Rocky Mountain Wild
“Our animal department team members have a variety of experience, but all have experience working with animals and the public,” said Jeff Halter, vice president of animal collections. “We look for people who are passionate about animals and people. It makes our searches for candidates somewhat difficult, because some people who get into this field are there for the animals and might not immediately see the importance of helping people care about them as much as we do. That may make you a successful candidate for other organizations, but not here. The passion here has to be for connecting guests and animals.”

Although that combination of skills can be hard to find, it’s vital for reaching our organization’s goals. Our animal care staff is a unique group of people who can comfortably communicate with people and animals, while being able to act calmly under pressure and work in challenging physical environments.

“When we interview potential new team members, I’m looking for qualities that your parents probably taught you. ‘Be a good person. Be nice. Share.’” said Halter. “You need to have worked with mostly exotic animals, and also have similar philosophies about how animals in human care are managed. Your background and experience need to align with ours, so that we can trust that your assumptions about how we’d like you to manage something without immediate managerial input are correct.”

Keeper assistants are there to help animal keepers with day-to-day tasks, like feeding, preparing enrichment for animals, and preparing and distributing animals’ diets. Handling these tasks allows keepers to focus on animal training behaviors and demonstrations that help connect guests with animals. Keepers are fundamental in monitoring animal welfare and relaying any issues to veterinary staff and management, so decision makers are connected and can act quickly to address those issues.

Lead keepers maintain a bigger picture of what needs to occur daily in their animals’ areas. They set goals and work with managers, keeper assistants and their fellow keepers to make sure projects are being completed. They also act as a voice to relay animal updates and direction between managers and keepers.

Animal care managers each oversee multiple animal areas. For example, one manager oversees Monkey Pavilion and Primate World, while another oversees Australia Walkabout, Rocky Mountain Wild and Asian Highlands. They also manage the keepers in those areas, handling their schedules, training and more.

They’re also focused on working with Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Taxon Advisory Groups – which examine the sustainability and conservation needs of entire taxa and develop recommendations for population management and conservation based upon the needs of the species and AZA-accredited institutions. They’re also responsible for working with each species’ AZA Species Survival Plan (SSP) to make sure we’re following breeding recommendations and transporting or receiving animals, based on those recommendations. As part of their work with SSPs, they manage the introductions of animals to each other to support breeding or companionship plans.

“People who are successful at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo are positive, solutions-oriented people,” said Halter. “You have to have the ability to work as a team, sharing your experiences and skills with others to help us all grow as an organization. We become leaders in our field by doing the good work here and sharing it, so it will spill over and impact the greater Zoo profession.”
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There’s a new fuzzy face in My Big Backyard: Hutch, the eight-month-old Virginia opossum! Opossums might get a bad rap, but they eat thousands of ticks in the wild, which can help prevent the spread of disease to other mammals, including humans.
Opossum peering around a corner
Opossums are important members of our ecosystem and can be found right here in Colorado’s wild places. Hutch lives in the window habitat between the turkey and chicken yards in My Big Backyard. He’s a nocturnal mammal who usually looks like a ball of fluff, as he sleeps through most of the day. His keepers often take him out to enjoy some fresh air or to do some training in The Loft. You might see him out and about during these times.

Hutch is quickly learning lots of new ways to interact with guests. He recently debuted as a ZOOMobile animal and brings smiles to guests outside of the Zoo.

If you want a chance to meet, touch, and help train with Hutch, you can schedule a special animal encounter with him. This is a guaranteed way to interact up close with this incredible guy.

Hutch is just one of many animals with which you can schedule special encounters. Maybe you have a love for raptors and meeting Hoosier, the barn owl, is on your bucket list. Are large aquatic mammals your favorite? Then Ginger the beaver would love to meet you! Perhaps reptiles are more your speed. If so, then a snake like Rustle, a bullsnake, or a lizard like Wasabi, a prehensile-tailed skink, can be your new animal best friends. Just visit to find out about all the amazing animals ready to meet you!
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Annual holiday lights celebration continues through Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020

USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice today announced that Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s Electric Safari won third place in the national Best Zoo Lights category. This is the highest ranking the event has ever received, and this is fourth year running that Electric Safari has ranked in the top ten.

The award-winning annual holiday lights celebration continues through Wednesday, Jan. 1 (except Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec. 24), featuring 85 one-of-a-kind light sculptures, 50 acres of twinkling lights, animal demonstrations and interactive activities, plus a breathtaking nighttime view of Colorado Springs from Cheyenne Mountain. Animal keeper talks, enrichment activities and demonstrations occur every night.

In addition to scheduled animal demonstrations, Electric Safari offers paid feeding opportunities with our famous giraffe herd and our budgie flock, and visits to the African lion exhibit, elephant barn, Rocky Mountain Wild (except grizzly bears and wolves), Asian Highlands, Monkey Pavilion, Scutes Family Gallery and Australia Walkabout.

Grizzly Grill, Elson’s Place and Pizza with a View will be open each night to serve food and beverages. Fire pits and outdoor heaters throughout the Zoo add to the unique experience and help keep visitors warm in between the indoor animal exhibits.

Members and their accompanying paying guests get early admission at 4:30 p.m. General admission is open from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. with the final admission at 7:30 p.m. Attendance is free for Zoo members. The general public can save $2 per ticket by purchasing them online no later than 3 p.m. the day they plan to attend. Tickets are available at

Attendees will enjoy more than 50 acres of lit trees, structures and animated sculptures installed by the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo grounds and maintenance teams over four months of Electric Safari preparation.

If all of those animal interactions and beautiful lights don’t un-Scrooge even the Grinchiest of holiday grumps, a cup of hot cocoa and a visit with Santa ought to do the trick. Kris Kringle will be in Safari Lodge through Monday, Dec. 23 to hear holiday wishes, collect lists and pose for free photos. The carousel and historic Mountaineer Sky Ride will be open (weather permitting) to provide incredible once-a-year views of the nighttime glow of Colorado Springs as a backdrop from the mountainside of twinkling lights.

Electric Safari Fast Facts

Dates: Every night through Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2019*

(*Electric Safari is not open on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.)

Visit Santa through Monday, Dec. 23

Time: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. nightly (last admission at 7:30 p.m.)

Early admission at 4:30 p.m. for Zoo members and their paying accompanying guests

Cost: Free for Zoo Members | No Tickets Necessary | Show Membership ID at the Gate

Online Non-Member Prices

Adult (ages 12-64): $12.75

Child (ages 3-11): $8.75

Military adult: $9.75

Military child: $5.75

Senior (65+): $10.75

Ages 2 and under: 75¢

Gate Non-Member Prices

Adult (ages 12-64): $14.75

Child (ages 3-11): $10.75

Military adult $11.75

Military child: $7.75

Senior (65+): $12.75

Ages 2 and under: 75¢

Electric Safari is sponsored by Children’s Hospital Colorado, Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers, and your Colorado Springs Toyota dealers. For more information, visit:

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2019, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #6 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just ten operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

This summer Cheyenne Mountain Zoo launched a new program to help connect people of all ages with the outdoors. CMZoo’s Outdoor School offers hands-on and interactive experiences and programs for people interested in connecting with nature, the outdoors, and their families. Classes engage the whole person (physically, mentally and emotionally) and develop a stronger connection with our natural world. Outdoor School classes occur on Zoo grounds, or offsite in other nature-based environments. The focus is less on animals at the Zoo and more on the powerful impacts nature has on us.

Winter classes include:

– Animal Portrait Photography: An introductory photography class focusing on animals. Use your cell phone or your DSLR camera to capture up-close photos of some of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s residents. Two professional photographers will mentor you through the process. From composition to lighting, they will help fine-tune your new skill.

– The WILD Series: Look for classes for women, families, or kids with WILD in the title and you’ll be sure to have a great time outside! WILD Women hikes are in the works as well as WILD Families nature play groups. Activities include hiking, fort building, nature games, track making and more! WILD kids series is in the works, and we’ll share more about it soon.

– Utilitarian Basket Weaving: Get creative while you learn to weave a beautiful and functional basket that fits your lifestyle. Spend time learning the history, reviewing terminology, and walking through the process of weaving a basket to completion. You’ll have two full days to put your creativity to the test as you finish the course with a completed basket to take home and put to use!

These classes are just a small sampling of what to expect from the Outdoor School. Classes like wilderness photography, family hikes, primitive shelter building, primitive fire building, bird banding and more are soon to be listed as class options. Be sure to visit to see what is currently offered and sign up for a class that excites you!
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