— CMZoo invites public to guess birthdate of giraffe calf, expected this summer —

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (May 21, 2019) – Msitu (muh-SEE’-too), a 10-year-old reticulated giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, is pregnant, according to various test results and experts. CMZoo veterinary staff and giraffe keepers believe she is likely to have a calf in the next two months.

”We’re excited to share this news with our community and the huge group of giraffe fans around the world,” said Jason Bredahl, African Rift Valley animal care manager. “Msitu has given birth to two healthy calves, so we are cautiously optimistic about the viability of this calf.”

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has confirmed the pregnancy with multiple screenings, blood tests and behavioral indicators. Msitu appears to be about 13 and a half months pregnant. Giraffe gestation isn’t an exact science. Giraffe pregnancies typically range between 14 and 15 months, which can make planning for the birth a bit of a guessing game. The Zoo’s records show that Msitu bred with bull, Khalid (kuh-LEED’), April 4, 2018. The 14-month mark would be June 4, 2019.

“Giraffe calves can be fragile, so we try to encourage people to be realistic about the risks while they enjoy the excitement of the hope we know giraffe calves bring to so many,” said Bredahl. “We’re optimistic that advances in medicine, like the availability of giraffe plasma and stem cell treatments, will help us navigate any medical needs the calf may have.”

CMZoo takes precautions for the well-being of mom and calf by providing a sand-floor stall for Msitu, separate from the rest of the herd. In anticipation of the birth, Msitu will be moved to a sand stall on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, which CMZoo staff anticipates is the earliest date Msitu could go into labor. During the day, when the giraffe go outside, she will remain with the herd. At night, she will move to the sand stall. The sand helps mom and baby in a few ways: by preventing injury to the calf upon the five-foot drop it encounters as it’s born, by providing a more absorbent substrate that helps prevent slips for the baby’s first steps, and by providing a cushion for the calf as it learns to walk and inevitably stumbles.

CMZoo is inviting the public to make its own guesses about when the newest member of the CMZoo giraffe herd will be born at cmzoo.org/guess. The person who guesses the correct hour, minute and date of birth will win a behind-the-scenes animal encounter with the CMZoo giraffe herd.

There are plans in the works to activate the well-known live-streaming “birth cam” on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, so giraffe fans worldwide can join in the excitement. Starting today at 2:30 p.m. MDT, CMZoo plans to provide weekly Facebook Live updates from the giraffe barn. During these weekly updates, giraffe keepers and veterinary experts will announce their own birthdate guesses, provide updates on Msitu’s pregnancy, the physical and behavioral changes she experiences as her due date approaches, and news on the baby’s first few weeks of life.

Msitu was born at CMZoo in February 2009. This would be Msitu’s third calf, after giving birth to Emy in August 2013 and to Rae in April 2017. Emy, a female, now lives at Peoria Zoo in Peoria, Ill. Two-year-old female Rae is the youngest member of the herd at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, but a baby brother or sister may soon be changing that. CMZoo’s breeding program began in 1954. This calf’s birth would bring the number of reticulated giraffe in the CMZoo herd to sixteen.

Reticulated giraffe are endangered. There are just over 11,000 mature individuals in the wild, and that population trend is decreasing. In addition to keeping the species alive, by participating in a species survival plan and breeding a genetically diverse population in human care, CMZoo supports ongoing conservation efforts to help giraffe in the wild. To learn about the latest partnership effort to save West African giraffe in Niger, read about Operation Sahel Giraffe.


About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2019, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #6 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just a few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

— First-time sloth parents took it slow, successfully conceiving three and a half years after introduction —

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (May 15, 2019) – A Hoffman’s two-toed sloth was born at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Tuesday, May 14 at 12:15 p.m. The baby appears to be strong, and first-time mom, 19-year-old Chalupa, is exhibiting quality maternal instincts.

The pregnancy came as quite a surprise for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo keepers and staff, when it was first discovered during unrelated veterinary testing. First-time parents, Chalupa and Bosco, had shown no signs of breeding in the four years they’ve lived together at CMZoo. However, sloths are nocturnal, so breeding could have occurred after Zoo hours.

“Sloths are famously adored for their slow-motion lifestyles,” said Joanna Husby, Monkey Pavilion animal care manager. “Even successful breeding and conception can take longer for sloth parents than other animals. This baby was worth the wait, though. It’s pretty cute, with dark fur, really dark eyes and the most adorable little nose. Chalupa and the baby are bonding well, and we’re excited to watch this little sloth grow up.”

Husby says the baby’s gender won’t be known for months, and there’s no immediate plan to name the young sloth. Chalupa and her baby are visible to guests in Monkey Pavilion, but will be in an exhibit with a little more privacy for at least a few months. Bosco, the baby’s 27-year-old father, will remain in the sloths’ normal exhibit, hanging out above the guests’ pathways inside and outside of Monkey Pavilion. Chalupa and her baby will return to their normal exhibit with Bosco when keepers and veterinary staff agree it’s safe for them to leave their current enclosed space.

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s only mountain zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s hope that guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of only a few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

Zoo members give $75,000 to projects in Colorado Springs and worldwide

Colorado Springs, Colo. – Each year, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo members vote to select which CMZoo staff-championed conservation projects will receive funding. This year, $75,000 was allocated to support projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Kenya, Laos, Vietnam, and right here, in Colorado Springs.

Since 2015, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo member conservation grants have provided $375,000 of membership revenue to support field conservation worldwide. These funds are contributed directly by the Zoo’s members, as a part of their membership fees.

“This funding allows us to stay nimble in supporting frontline conservation efforts,” said Dr. Liza Dadone, vice president of mission and programs at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. “Our legacy conservation partners, which receive support through our Quarters for Conservation funding, receive our long-term support. These staff-championed member-vote projects can support more emergent needs, like Save Vietnam’s Wildlife’s immediate need to care for 168 pangolins rescued from illegal wildlife trade.”

CMZoo members voted for their choice of eight nominated projects in March. The three projects that received the most votes received the full funding requested. Taking member votes and other indicators into consideration, a committee of CMZoo staff members determined how to distribute the remainder of the annual contribution.

“Our members are invested in these conservation efforts,” said Emmaline Repp-Maxwell, CMZoo membership manager. “This vote provides them the opportunity to help decide which projects receive funding that their membership fees support. By helping members connect with a specific cause, they realize their impact, and hopefully continue to take an interest in that cause. We work to help people make connections that inspire them to take action.”

The top three 2019 Member Conservation Vote winners, which will receive full funding, are:

African Lions – $3,000
A continued partnership, the Ewaso ‘Lion Kids Camp’ educates Kenyan children of pastoral families in ways to avoid lion predation of their livestock. Without the help of local communities, African lions could be extinct in the wild within 20 years. This funding will help support a youth camp designed to connect these children to the local wildlife and nature, encouraging them to protect and champion big cats.

Pollinator Gardens for Five Local Schools – $15,000
Pollinators, like butterflies, birds and bees, are incredibly important to a healthy habitat and help fertilize many of the plants, fruits and vegetables we enjoy. This program helps to teach students the importance of protecting pollinators by building a garden they nurture and grow. In 2018, members voted to support three Colorado Springs schools’ pollinator gardens, which are being established now, in 2019. Because CMZoo members voted this project in the top two for the last two years, CMZoo will offer an additional two grants, for a total of five new gardens, for $3,000 each. The region from which applicants may be considered will be expanded to include communities that neighbor Colorado Springs.

Mountain Tapir – $26,566
Found in Columbia, Ecuador and the far north of Peru, only 2,500 mountain tapir remain in the wild. CMZoo is one of two zoos in North America that this species calls home. A continuation of past monitoring projects, these funds would support the radio collaring of five additional tapirs in the wild, and collaboration with community education programs. This project, based in Ecuador, has already yielded important information regarding the movement, behaviors and territory of this critically endangered species. That data is vital in proving which areas of wilderness need protection if this species is to survive.

The remainder of the $75,000 grant fund was distributed to support three additional projects:

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife’s Emergency Pangolin Care – $5,000
Found in Africa and Asia, pangolins are the most trafficked animals in the world. Because they are also threatened by deforestation, all eight species of the pangolin are considered threatened with extinction (two of which are critically endangered). Save Vietnam’s Wildlife focuses on the recovery and release of native species confiscated in the illegal wildlife trade. This contribution is allocated for emergency funding to assist in the care of 168 recently confiscated pangolins, the largest group confiscated to date. These funds will help provide veterinary care until the pangolins are re-released.

Okapi Conservation Project – $15,000
Found in the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and one of the most biologically diverse areas in all of Africa, okapi have only been known to science since 1901. Threatened by habitat destruction, mining, poaching and civil unrest, there may be as few as 10,000 left in the wild. Through the Okapi Conservation Project, this funding would support a community outreach program for World Okapi Day to promote local education and co-existence between okapi, their habitat and local villages. This project is co-supported by four other zoos.

Project Anoulak – $11,250
Based in the Annamite Mountains of Laos, Project Anoulak works to conserve and study wildlife in the Nakai-Nam Theun National Protected Area. One of the most important and biodiverse forests left in the region, it is threatened by unsustainable harvesting and farming practices, as well as illegal poaching. This funding will purchase the equipment needed to continue their critical conservation monitoring and research.

Of the $100,000 of conservation funding annually raised through membership revenue, $25,000 goes to Quarters for Conservation legacy projects and $75,000 goes to annual Member Conservation Vote grants.

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2019, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #6 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of the few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

– Rocky Mountain Wild Named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America –

Colorado Springs, Colo. – For the third consecutive year, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has been voted one of the top ten zoos in North America in the USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. This time, America’s mountain Zoo was recognized in two categories: #6 Best Zoo in North America and #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America, for its Rocky Mountain Wild exhibit.

“It means a great deal to know that people voted for us. We work hard to provide an environment where our community members can come to be inspired. This national recognition reminds us that the impact of our mission reaches beyond the city of Colorado Springs,” said Bob Chastain, President and CEO of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. “We were nominated amongst a group of impressive organizations, in markets much larger than ours, which makes us even more proud to have been named the sixth best zoo in North America and that Rocky Mountain Wild is the fifth best zoo exhibit.”

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo aims to set itself apart by making every guest experience inspiring. With its simply stated vision, “Every Kid. Every Time. Goosebumps.” at its cultural core, CMZoo creates environments and experiences that bring people closer to animals. Exhibits are designed to remove unnecessary physical barriers, while keeper-led animal interactions and demonstrations are designed to establish and build connections between our guests and the animals who live here. CMZoo’s goal is to foster connections that inspire our guests to take action to protect animals and their habitats in the wild.

Rocky Mountain Wild, an area of the Zoo that is home to animals from the Zoo’s native region, was named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America. Rocky Mountain Wild opened in the summer of 2008, appropriately hugging the highest elevations of CMZoo’s developed mountainside acreage. The area is home to a pack of endangered Mexican wolves, four Canada lynx, a Canada moose, two North American porcupines, two bald eagles, two grizzly bears, a mountain lion, three river otters, a family of turkeys and a flock of wood ducks. Rocky Mountain Wild is known for its expansive natural exhibits, exquisite views, educational and entertaining animal demonstrations, and enthusiastic and passionate team of animal keepers.

This is the first time Rocky Mountain Wild has been nominated in the Best Zoo Exhibit category, and the third time Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has been nominated in the Best Zoo category. A panel of travel experts, recruited by USA TODAY editors, nominated 20 North American Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited zoos and exhibits, and supporters had four weeks to cast their votes once per day for the nominees of their choice.

The 2019 USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Top Ten Best Zoos in North America, in ranking order, are:

  1. Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden – Cincinnati
  2. Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium – Omaha, Neb.
  3. Saint Louis Zoo – St. Louis
  4. Fort Worth Zoo – Fort Worth
  5. Columbus Zoo and Aquarium – Columbus, Ohio
  6. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo – Colorado Springs
  7. Riverbanks Zoo & Garden – Columbia, S.C.
  8. Memphis Zoo – Memphis
  9. Audubon Zoo – New Orleans
  10. Dallas Zoo – Dallas

Nominees for all categories are chosen by a panel of relevant experts which include a combination of editors from USA TODAY, editors from 10Best.com, relevant expert contributors, and sources for both these media and other Gannett properties. The nomination panel for each award category is displayed on its associated contest page. All voting is digital and the 10Best Readers’ Choice Award contest is accessible on the 10Best.com website.


About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2019, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #6 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Of the 233 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just ten operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

Waterhole picture
It may feel like spring just arrived, but it is time to start planning for summer vacation! With Zoo Camp options for kindergarten through 12th grade, there is truly an adventure for everyone.

New this year: each camp week has an over-arching theme that all grade levels will explore in their own adventurous ways (more about that below). There are also new ways for families to get involved with camp this year, featuring a few “Flock Parties” during the evenings. We are very excited about these new opportunities and can’t wait for summer to start!

An example of an over-arching theme for a week is “Critter Construction,” focusing on all the ways animals can be architects and build amazing structures.

  • The kindergarten group will spend this week discovering Beastly Builders components of a mini animal exhibit; then spend a day collaborating with other CMZ camp groups to assemble their creations into one dynamic diorama of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo!
  • 1st/2nd grade campers will focus on Structures for Species, exploring what animals prefer in a dwelling. Do they build their own? Do they take over other homes? Campers will also get a hand at building their own structures!
  • 3rd/4th grade camp for this week will look at Animal Architects, like those phenomenal animal builders: birds and beavers. Then, the campers become architects themselves!
  • 5th/6th graders will become Eco Engineers, building structures that can help animals survive in the wild. Sometimes these structures are man-made (like some penguin nests) and others are created by nature (like kelp forests).

Waterhole picture
Even teens can attend Zoo Camp. 7th through 12th graders get the opportunity to discover what it is like being a part of the CMZoo community. Learning directly from seasoned Zoo teens, these camps focus on peer engagement and diverse Zoo experiences.

All these options (plus a few more for each age group), more information, and registration can be found at cmzoo.org/summercamp. Be sure to sign your child up for the grade they are entering in the fall. Summer camps are very popular and space is limited, so sign up your camper today!
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Which plants attract early pollinators? Which will help you conserve water? What kind of maintenance should you make a priority this time of year? CMZoo’s horticulture team answers all of these questions and more.

In anticipation of Mother’s Day, we’re celebrating some of the animal matriarchs who live with their offspring at CMZoo. Take a walk down memory lane as we remember their adorable babies and check in with the moms and their growing offspring today.

Providing excellent health care for the hundreds of animals at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo comes in many forms. Depending on their individual needs, animals might receive special diets, exercise plans, laser therapy treatments, vaccines, medications and more. Their health care plans often involve injections, both proactively in the form of annual vaccinations, and reactively with medications that can help them through an illness or injury.

Most CMZoo animals participate in voluntary injection training, designed to help keepers and animals prepare for and reduce stress involved with real injections when necessary. Some CMZoo animals participate in their own health care by also taking part in voluntary blood draws. During injection and blood draw training, the animals have the opportunity to walk away at any time but typically choose to stay and participate. These blood draws allow vets to test animals for any issues and respond to them accurately. The blood draws also contribute to national and international research projects that benefit countless species in human care and in the wild.

Through these voluntary blood draws, CMZoo is able to contribute to a giraffe blood plasma bank. The plasma bank is shared with other AZA-accredited institutions, and can help giraffe calves who are struggling to survive in their first days.

Just as Children’s Hospital Colorado provides tips to help children overcome the fear of shots, CMZoo Animal Behavior Programs Manager Rick Hester shared his approach to helping CMZoo’s animals respond comfortably to necessary injections and blood draws.

  • Teach prerequisite skills first.
    Before we ever get to needles, we teach animals to present various body parts to us, hold still, and allow us to touch them with various benign objects, like our hand, a key, or a stick. These are some of the necessary skills for them to succeed when we need to give a real injection or perform a blood draw.
  • Arrange the environment.
    We look at the overall environment and arrange everything for the animal to be successful. A comfortable place to sit or stand, an easy way for us to deliver food treats, limiting noise or other distractions if possible — these are all examples of ways we arrange the environment for success.
  • Find the right reinforcers.
    Our training program focuses on positive reinforcement techniques. To be successful, we need to have the right reinforcers, depending on the animal and depending on the behavior we are teaching. For behaviors like holding still for an injection or a blood draw, we use high-value food items such as fruit snacks for an orangutan, marshmallows for an African elephant, or chicken for an African lion.
  • Celebrate small steps towards the goal.
    We would rarely be successful if we expected an animal to present its shoulder and let us give them a vaccination during our very first training session! We reinforce small approximations (what some might call “baby steps”) to get them to the final goal. For example, they could start by presenting their shoulder to a keeper’s hand, then a stick or a pen, then finally a syringe. We reinforce each successful step or approximation and move forward to the next as the animal performs each step confidently. This style of teaching provides the animal with a lot of information about how to be successful and builds their confidence quickly.
  • Prepare the site.
    For some species, we apply ice to the injection site prior to giving a vaccination or performing a blood draw. This helps reduce the response to the needle poke for some animals.
  • Follow the animals’ lead.
    Do we have to give the injection in the shoulder if an individual seems more comfortable presenting a hip or leg? We let the animal’s behavior influence what the final goal looks like in all of our training. In this way, our training is a dialogue between humans and animals, helping to set both up for success.

Children’s Hospital Colorado is a year-round sponsor of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.


CMZoo continues work to repopulate Wyoming toads, listed as extinct in the wild

As amphibians face mass extinction, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s conservation team works to repopulate the Wyoming toad. Hear from Field Conservation Coordinator, Jeff Baughman, about what’s contributing to the widespread eradication, what CMZoo is doing to try to stop it, and how you can help.

In March, CMZoo howler monkey, Charlie, became a first-time-mom. We checked in with CMZoo lead keeper, Michelle Salido, for an update on the baby and to hear the story of the afternoon Charlie went into labor on exhibit.