Colorado’s wildlife and wild places draw millions of visitors to our state every year. We often talk about how to visit Colorado responsibly and how to stay bear aware while exploring the great outdoors. Wild native black bears roam throughout our state, including in many residential and urban settings, so Colorado residents shoulder a lot of the responsibility for keeping bears out of trouble.

“Our native black bears are super smart, and they are really focused on getting as many calories as possible,” said Courtney Rogers, senior lead keeper in Rocky Mountain Wild. “If they can get food easily, they will – and they won’t understand the long-term consequences. Humans are smart, too, and there are simple things we can do to help bears choose safer, healthier foods.

Every year, Colorado black bears are displaced or euthanized when their foraging leads them to situations that are dangerous for bears and humans. If Colorado Springs residents make an effort to help our local wildlife, we can reduce the number of bear deaths caused by humans.”

Bears’ sense of smell is thought to be the most exceptional in the animal kingdom. A bear’s olfactory bulb – the section of the brain that processes smells – is at least five times bigger than a human’s. A bear’s big nose sets the species apart because all of that room means they have more space for olfactory receptors. Bears have millions of olfactory receptors, more than any other land animal. A bear’s nasal cavity, structured like a honeycomb, is lined with hundreds of muscles to help angle their nostrils in the perfect direction for tracking. They also have a Jacobson’s organ on the roof of their mouth that aids in odor detection.

All of those adaptations combine to give bears a (literally) superhuman sense of smell, thought to be more than 2,000 times more powerful than humans’. Many bear experts have seen proof that black bears can smell odors up to 5 miles away, if the wind is right.

Rogers encourages Colorado residents to refresh their bear-smart daily routines every spring and fall – when bears are most actively searching for food. As fall approaches, bears will soon be entering a cyclical stage called hyperphasia. They know winter is around the corner. They also know they’ll soon have fewer food options. They need to plump up now to live off of their stored fat for the months ahead.

Black bears dine naturally on berries, plants, insects and occasionally on small rodents. But, they can also develop a taste for leftovers. Basically, a bear will follow a yummy smell anywhere. To help bears resist the instinct to roam into dangerous territory, we need to reduce smells that attract bears.

“Bear” the responsibility. Assume you live near bears if you live in Colorado Springs. Many human-bear conflicts occur because people didn’t know they were in bear country, and how to act accordingly. Even east of Interstate 25, bears have been seen roaming in parks and neighborhoods. If you follow these simple steps, you can assume that you haven’t seen a bear in your neighborhood because you’ve been doing a great job helping them avoid the area.

Clean that ‘cue! We’re in the thick of backyard barbecue season, and humans aren’t the only ones who think those cheeseburgers smell delicious. Many a beautiful barbecue has been destroyed by tempted black bears. Do yourself and the bears a favor after cooking outdoors and clean your grill before you go to bed. Use a wire brush to remove food remnants, clean greasy surfaces and trash the grease-catching tin in a bear-safe receptacle.

Bye-bye bird seed. We love native songbirds, hummingbirds and woodpeckers as much as the next nature enthusiast, but bears love birdseed and hummingbird nectar. Offer seed to feathered friends in the morning, but bring those bird feeders in at night. Bears likely won’t approach a busy daytime backyard for birdseed, but they’ll certainly sneak in during the quiet after-hours for a tasty treat.

Become a guardian of the garbage. West of Interstate 25, residents are required by law to bring their trash receptacles in at night, or to purchase bear-resistant trash cans. Trash cannot be brought out to the curb until the morning of your scheduled pickup. If you share an apartment dumpster, or access a dumpster where you work, make sure the bear bar is in place when you’re finished (bonus points for bear advocates who make sure others replace the bear bar, too!). If your garbage receptacle smells foul to you, it smells yummy to a bear. Clean your trash receptacles and clean up debris near dumpsters.

Be a bear-friendly backyard farmer. Residential chickens and honeybees are becoming increasingly popular. Can you guess who loves chicken feed and fresh honey? That’s right! Our native black bears. You can still enjoy that mini homestead lifestyle in bear country, with a few extra precautions. Many backyard farmers add effective bear-proof fencing or hotwire around their hives and coops. Your local wildlife agency can also help with other bear hazing techniques. Even if they smell the honey or chicken feed, they will likely move on once they recognize this is no easy treat.

Be a good neighbor. A bear in the ‘burbs won’t necessarily approach human spaces. Many suburban and urban areas have connected open spaces where neighbors adhere to these bear-smart tactics, and nearby bears find plenty of natural bear food. So, if you see a bear taking a walk near your home, be a good neighbor, keep your distance and admire them from afar.

“It’s up to us to save our local bears. It’s truly magical to encounter wildlife as often as we do in Colorado Springs, and with your help, we can all continue to enjoy that,” said Rogers. “It’s pretty simple: if you want to enjoy the benefits of living in bear country, you need to feel accountable for keeping them safe.”

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My Big Backyard is home to a brand-new button-nosed furry face! Help us welcome Hubble, a 4-month-old Virginia opossum, to CMZoo.

“We named him Hubble because he’s still growing into his big ears, which kind of resemble the space telescope,” said Bryce Oberg, keeper in The Loft and My Big Backyard.

Hubble lives next to Guy Fieri, CMZoo’s rooster, in an upward-built habitat that’s perfect for the very active arboreal baby boy. Guests can see him right away. Hubble’s care team is already hard at work preparing him for his future role as an ambassador for his species.

Hubble came to CMZoo from a wildlife rescue facility in Kansas after being found alone in the wild with a severely broken tail. Once he made it to CMZoo, his care team decided his best option was to amputate his tail, so Hubble has quite a unique look. Because he has learned to navigate without a tail from a young age, keepers haven’t seen Hubble’s unique difference slow him down at all. They report he’s quite the skilled climber, and his curiosity has already motivated keepers to adjust his perching because he has reached parts of his home they didn’t think he could.

“We will probably never know what Hubble encountered before being rescued, but we’re happy he’s starting to settle in here with us,” said Oberg. “He has been through a lot of changes in his short life, but he’s resilient. We’re working with him daily to earn his trust, which is a first step toward training with him. We’re taking him tasty treats and sitting calmly near him, so he can see that he’s safe and has choices when he’s with us.”

Next, he’ll train to voluntarily enter his transport crate, get comfortable with being touched, and then he’ll learn to interact safely with guests as an ambassador. Their goal for Hubble – once he’s ready – is to serve as an outreach ambassador, educating people about his species’ many wonders.

“There are a lot of misconceptions about opossums because when they feel threatened, they can look pretty scary with their big mouths full of 50 teeth – the most teeth of any North American mammal,” said Oberg. “But, they have to look scary because their defenses pretty much end there. If we respect opossums’ warning signs and give them space when they tell us they need it, 99 percent of the time they will move on with their peaceful opossum lives.”

There is one defense that opossums are famous for, which admittedly leaves them more vulnerable than unnerving: playing dead.

“When opossums play dead, it’s a last-ditch effort to make their perceived predators think they’re not going to be a good meal,” said Oberg. “It’s an involuntary response that is triggered when they’re startled or stressed. They release a really bad smell so they smell like they’ve been dead for a long time, their heartrate decreases, they drool excessively, stick their tongue out and fall over.”

Opossums have been known to play dead for hours at a time. So, as a general rule, if you see an opossum that isn’t moving and isn’t obviously injured, leave it alone. It could be playing dead and will wake up and move away on its own. If it’s been lying there for more than a day, it’s good practice to have it removed. If it’s in a road, call wildlife authorities to move it.

Opossums are slow moving, have poor eyesight and are nocturnal, which presents a lot of obstacles for North America’s only native marsupial. But, there’s a lot to love about opossums. The presence of opossums is an indication of a healthy ecosystem. They are opportunistic omnivores, which means they’ll eat just about anything. As scavengers, they are part of nature’s clean-up crew. They feed on carrion and help prevent the spread of diseases in carcasses, just like vultures do. They’re naturally resistant to snake venom, so they can safely eat snakes, which helps control the venomous snake population. Because of their naturally low body temperature, they’re virtually incapable of carrying rabies. They also eat ticks, which prevents the spread of tick-borne illnesses.

“Hubble has a long way to go before he can meet guests up-close, but we’re already seeing how inquisitive, resilient and energetic this little guy is,” said Oberg. “Once he’s ready, we’ll be excited for him to join us on walkabouts in the Zoo and on outreach programs.

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We can hardly believe Omo will turn one year old on July 20! It’s been a year of adorable ear wiggles, plops and boops with this boy, and it’s been our joy to share him with you. Hear our Water’s Edge: Africa keepers’ favorite ‘Omo-ments’ over the past year.

To celebrate Omo’s first birthday, our partners at Children’s Hospital Colorado, are throwing him a party, and you’re invited. Join us in Water’s Edge on Wed., July 20 from 10 a.m. to noon to make Omo a birthday card, learn about hippos at a special keeper talk at 11 a.m. and then watch Omo and his mom, Zambezi, enjoy a special birthday cake at 11:30 a.m. Advance daytime admission e-tickets are required to attend.

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BB, a 21-month-old giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, will soon be cruising up I-25 to meet her new playmate, 5-year-old Dobby, and his mom, Kipele, at Denver Zoo! Although BB’s exact moving date will not be shared, guests can see her at CMZoo through the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Giraffe 'BB' portrait
The move is in support of the Giraffe Species Survival Plan (SSP). SSPs are managed by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). They match individual animals throughout AZA-accredited organizations for breeding. The goal is to create the most genetically diverse assurance population of animal ambassadors possible in human care. Zoos accredited by the AZA, including CMZoo and Denver Zoo, regularly participate in animal moves like this for the greater good of the species in our collective care. Although BB won’t immediately participate in the SSP breeding recommendation, this move is a step in that direction. BB’s genetics are valuable to the future diversity of giraffe in human care.

Many people remember BB’s birth at CMZoo in September 2020 to first-time giraffe mom, Bailey. Before the calf received an official name, keepers nicknamed her “BB,” short for “Bailey’s Baby,” and the nickname stuck. Giraffe fans all over the world tuned into her live birth.

Since BB’s personality started to shine, around six months old, keepers have described her as brave and curious. These days, BB is known for pushing through CMZoo’s 16 other, much larger, giraffe to get the best spot for a lettuce snack. Although Denver Zoo plans to give BB quiet time to adjust to her new home, if she shows them she needs it, her care team is confident she’ll adjust to her new life with Dobby and Kipele in no time.

Nearly two years old may seem young to move a giraffe to a new herd, but CMZoo’s and the SSP’s many years of experience have proven that moving smaller giraffe who are no longer dependent on their mothers is ideal. BB has been independent of her mother, Bailey, for a long time.

“We always miss our animals when they move on, but we’re excited to know that BB will be just up the interstate getting excellent care from the team at Denver Zoo,” said Jason Bredahl, African Rift Valley animal care manager. “We know their team well, and have worked with them many times before. They’re committed to the best possible welfare for their animals.”

Giraffe 'BB' portrait
Dobby, who will be one of BB’s new herd mates, was born at Denver Zoo prematurely, weighing just 73 pounds, in February 2017. Dobby struggled in his first few weeks of life, but his care team’s commitment helped him overcome his early obstacles. In addition to around-the-clock care, Dobby received plasma from the Giraffe Plasma Bank, a program co-led by CMZoo and Columbus Zoo. Mashama and Msitu, two well-known giraffe at CMZoo, donate plasma to help struggling newborn calves, which is often what they need. Four years later, Dobby is thriving at Denver Zoo, and we can’t wait for BB to meet him.

BB is outgoing and energetic – but she’s also extremely intelligent. Her keepers at CMZoo have prepared her for this move, by building trusting relationships and following a customized training program that allows BB to make choices and receive positive reinforcement for participating in training. Building on her foundation of training, BB is preparing for her road trip up north.

“We’ve been introducing BB to new training opportunities, like walking through the trailer loading area by herself, stepping onto the loading ramp, and more,” said Bredahl. “We’ll pack the trailer with her favorite snacks, elm branches, and enriching activities for her short trip and when she’s settling into her new home in Denver.”

Visitors can see BB at CMZoo at least through the Fourth of July holiday weekend. Keep an eye on Denver Zoo’s social media channels for updates and information on when guests can see BB with her new herd, and help us wish BB bon voyage on her big adventure!

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When you give Lucky, one of six CMZoo African elephants, an apple, you’re giving her wild counterparts a better chance at survival. Since 2016, CMZoo’s scheduled paid elephant feeding opportunities have sent $25,000 annually to Tsavo Trust, our frontline conservation partner in Tsavo National Park. Now, guests are raising $75,000 per year for our frontline African elephant and rhino conservation partners, Tsavo Trust, just by participating in elephant feedings.

From May through October, guests can hand-feed one of CMZoo’s African elephants for $10 to $15 per bundle of produce. These special experiences are available, as long as weather allows, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. and from 2:30 to 3 p.m. daily. Animals at CMZoo always get to decide if they want to participate in these up-close guest experiences. The aging elephants at CMZoo consistently show their keepers they enjoy the interactions, which are mentally stimulating and full of yummy snacks like carrots, apples, zucchini and more.

By participating in this add-on experience with our ‘Golden Girls,’ which we affectionately call our elephants because they are in their golden years, guests can make special connections with them. These feeding opportunities help guests make that connection and make a difference for wildlife at the same time.

“Standing at the feet of one of CMZoo’s multi-ton African elephants and watching her incredible trunk reach out to take a piece of produce right from your hand is life changing,” said Nicole Chaney, CMZoo administrative and research assistant. Chaney is heavily involved with CMZoo’s conservation efforts, including our relationship with Tsavo Trust. “But, it’s not just life-changing for our guests. It’s also saving the lives of wild elephants and rhinos in Tsavo National Park. I love that we can foster these individual relationships between our elephants and guests, and that our guests have this opportunity to send support directly to wild elephants.”

Tsavo Trust works to protect the last of the big tuskers, which are African elephants with tusks weighing more than 100 pounds, and other species, like black rhinos, in Tsavo National Park. Funds raised by CMZoo guests pay for pilot hours of frontline aerial surveillance that protects rhinos and elephants from poachers seeking their ivory and horns.

Along with funding from the Kratt Family Foundation, CMZoo guests’ support has helped build permanent housing that allows staff to live on the land where these critically endangered giants live. It has funded the construction of a vehicle maintenance building, which means their team isn’t delayed by having to take their vehicles outside of the park for repairs. It also funds special projects in local communities, which help residents form a connection with the elephants they share land with. One special project supported by the Kratt Family Foundation and CMZoo was the construction of two clean water boreholes in nearby communities, which have helped their conservation outreach efforts by helping locals learn more about conservation and even become inspired to protect their animal neighbors.

With this additional funding, CMZoo guests are supporting another special project focused on water, which is a precious resource for humans, animals and their entire ecosystem. This funding, and ongoing funding, is assisting with the construction of a sand dam in the park this year, which will help preserve drinking water for wildlife.

A sand dam is essentially a reinforced stone wall built across a seasonal sandy riverbed, usually on top of a stone bedrock. Water behind the sand dam raises the water table and collects on the sand, which acts as a sponge and holds water for long dry periods without evaporation.

Tsavo Trust has already constructed eight sand dams as part of a plan to construct approximately 25 for wildlife in the Tsavo National Parks. The sand dam method is a tried-and-tested method of providing small, but consistent, amounts of water through a seepage system on the downside of the dam wall, where animals can drink it. They’re ideal in arid areas, like Tsavo National Park, and don’t create the ‘desertification effect’ that’s sometimes associated with sinking of boreholes in protected areas where higher numbers of elephants live.

“Sand dams have been used to great effect in dry arid regions for humans and livestock, and now, through this project, there is no reason why wildlife cannot reap the same benefits within wildlife conservation areas,” said Chaney. “Water supply and distribution for wildlife in Tsavo National Parks has always been a huge challenge, particularly during the dry season, due to erratic rain patterns and soils that cannot hold water for extended periods. The sand dam plan could be one answer to this problem, and we’re proud to be able to support the efforts to construct several well-designed and distributed waterholes for animals over the coming years within the Tsavo Conservation Area.”

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Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s vision statement is simple: Every Kid. Every Time. Goosebumps.

When we say ‘kids,’ we mean ‘kids of all ages,’ and there are many evening opportunities for grown-ups to enjoy the Zoo in an environment especially for adults.

Starlight Safari Date Nights – This three-hour evening program includes one adult beverage per person and a guided tour around the Zoo. The tour includes meeting an animal ambassador up-close and hands-on, as well as feeding our giraffe herd. Though the tour does cover general animal information, don’t be surprised if you learn a few more risqué facts (just for adults!) that you might not hear during our normal keeper talks. Bring a significant other, a group of friends, or come solo and enjoy the evening.

Paint. Sip. Safaris. – If you like animals, painting and adult beverages, then this program is perfect for you! These small-group, 21-and-up programs include an adult beverage, the opportunity to create your own acrylic painting of a CMZoo animal while surrounded by live animals, and a visit to see the animal muse who inspired the painting. Don’t be surprised if Bean, our three-year-old Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth makes an appearance to critique your work, since these classes typically take place in The Loft. No painting experience required!

If you prefer a daytime Zoo experience, there are other ways to enjoy the Zoo as an adult. Nearly any EdVenture program can be modified into a more adult-friendly experience. Hoping to celebrate a baby or wedding? Birthday parties are a great daytime option to modify into these events. Celebrating a graduation or family reunion with a Zoo Exploration tour is a unique way to engage large groups during the day. Just contact Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s EdVenture Department, and let us know about your event.

For more information on these programs and other opportunities for adults to enjoy Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, please visit

The adorably fluffy Rocky Mountain Goat kid born on May 4 has a name! Meet Blanca, named after Blanca Peak – one of Colorado’s tallest mountains. Blanca is growing in leaps and bounds! The young female goat is incredibly independent and energetic. Wait until you see her version of zoomies! She now weighs nearly 30 pounds, has met the full five-member herd of Rocky Mountain goats at CMZoo, and is even learning to take food from keepers.

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If you’ve ever wanted to save the rainforests from the comfort of your smartphone, now’s your chance. With a brand-new free global mobile app, everyone has the power to advocate with their shopping choices, and to make large companies listen to their demands for sustainably produced palm oil.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (CMZoo), under the direction of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), is launching a mobile app, called PalmOil Scan. The free smartphone app will empower consumers to make informed, environmentally-friendly shopping decisions, just by scanning a barcode. PalmOil Scan is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play in the U.S. and Canada now.

“With this app, consumers can easily make informed choices that benefit wild animals and their habitats,” said Tracey Gazibara, executive vice president at CMZoo and co-chair of the WAZA Palm Oil Subcommittee. “If worldwide consumers show preference for companies that source only sustainable palm oil, we can create a demand that other companies can’t ignore. When more companies realize their potential customers will not stand for the use of unsustainable palm oil, we can prevent more deforestation and help endangered animals recover in the wild.”

Palm oil is an edible oil that can be found in about half of the products consumers purchase. It is used in candy, soaps, cosmetics, pet food, and even toilet paper. Because of high demand, unsustainable palm oil production has resulted in deforestation across Southeast Asia, and other tropical areas, which means critically endangered species like orangutans, tigers, and elephants are losing their homes.

However, when produced sustainably, palm oil is the most productive edible oil available. Oil palms – the trees that palm oil comes from – produce four to ten times more oil than alternatives like soy, olive, canola and coconut. Switching to these alternatives would cause even more deforestation in tropical areas, which is why consumers must demand sustainable palm oil.

Conscientious consumers can scan the barcodes on thousands of products in the app’s extensive database (which is being updated and expanded constantly) to see if they are produced by a company that has committed to sourcing sustainable palm oil. The new app also has a search feature, so if consumers scan a product that isn’t orangutan-friendly, they can easily choose an alternative that is.

Companies that have previously relied on their customers’ lack of knowledge about unsustainable palm oil and its impact on orangutans, tigers, rhinos, and elephants will soon recognize their competitors have the edge on them.

“Companies that continue to use unsustainable palm oil in their products need to see that consumers have the tools and knowledge to find out whether they value the habitats that so many endangered species depend on,” said Gazibara. “Sustainable palm oil production is possible, and it is time for us all to hold companies to a higher standard.”

CMZoo has been a leader in sustainable palm oil advocacy for more than a decade. The Zoo launched a similar mobile app for consumers in the U.S. and Canada in 2014. More than 160,000 verified users have educated themselves by using CMZoo’s app. Its design, database and user experience served as the foundation for the design of PalmOil Scan, which has the potential to reach millions more people around the world.

With the launch of PalmOil Scan, CMZoo has discontinued its former app. Depending on individual smartphone settings, users who previously used the CMZoo palm oil app may have automatically downloaded PalmOil Scan, or they may need to delete the old app and download PalmOil Scan manually. It is available now in the U.S. and Canada, and will be available in additional countries later this year.

To learn more about sustainable palm oil, and how the power of consumer choice can save critically endangered animals in Southeast Asia, visit

Download the PalmOil Scan App

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2022, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #3 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #2 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Since 2008, CMZoo’s Quarters for Conservation program has raised $4 million dedicated to frontline conservation efforts around the world. Of the 239 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just a few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.

See a few of the new faces at The Loft, The Treehouse and My Big Backyard! From Bubba, our giant African bullfrog, to Nigel, our lesser Madagascar tenrec, Raider the African grey parrot and Ms. Frizzle, our curlyhair tarantula, there are lots of new animal ambassadors to visit on your next trip to CMZoo!

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If you’ve visited Asian Highlands at CMZoo lately, you’ve probably noticed a lot of activity around the south leopard habitat. Our keepers, grounds and maintenance crews, and Zoo architect, have been working together to upgrade the leopards’ home, thanks to generous support from a friend of the Zoo.

The cross-departmental CMZoo design team brought different kinds of expertise to the table, each presenting goals and offering solutions to each other’s challenges. The first thing guests will likely notice is how much more of the exhibit they can see. The glass is gone, which means our guests can see the leopards better without a glare, and the huge log-and-steel crossbeam required for the glass-front structure could also be removed. Without that necessary structure, guests will have a much better view of a lounging leopard high in the trees. The leopards’ new perching is closer to the mesh, too, so the cats have a great view overlooking the Zoo. With as few barriers as is safely possible, guests can feel closer to them, which fosters the connections we believe inspire people to support conservation.

“Our goal was to make their home more enriching for the leopards, and more immersive for our guests,” said Basia Dann, Asian Highlands keeper. “They have tons of new perching, an upgraded waterfall, and mesh at the viewing area, instead of glass. So far, guests seem super excited about the glass being gone, and leopards are taking advantage of new opportunities in that habitat.”

Three leopards will use the habitat: Bhutan, a 13-year-old male snow leopard; Anya, an 8-year-old female Amur leopard; and Anadyr, a 6-year-old male Amur leopard. The Amur leopards will sometimes share the space together, and sometimes they’ll explore it alone. When they’re not in the newly remodeled leopard exhibit, they’re exploring other yards, including the guest-facing north leopard yard, just above Australia Walkabout.

Bhutan prefers the solitary life, so he’ll enjoy the new digs by himself. Based on Bhutan’s reaction to his first time in the new setup, he approves.

“Bhutan likes to lay in flatter, cooler spots, so we added some shady soil patches for him by the waterfall,” said Dann. “The first time he came into the exhibit, he spotted one of those patches and immediately went to lie down in it. It’s rewarding to see that our team’s hard work combined with our intimate knowledge of these cats is going to benefit them on a daily basis.”

Most CMZoo visitors are aware of the enrichment activities and training sessions keepers provide to keep our animals mentally and physically fulfilled. But, did you know the habitats themselves are designed to enrich our animals, and to encourage their natural behaviors?

For example, Rocky Mountain goats need vertical opportunities to climb, so their habitat reflects that. Hippos need a combination of water at various depths, and flat land to graze. Orangutans need objects to swing between. Leopards are expert tree climbers, so guests will notice ten new tree perches for them to navigate. They also like to rest up high in the trees, because it gives them a better vantage point. They’re often seen sleeping on their tummies with legs on either side of a large branch, and they have many opportunities for that in their new habitat.

“Our horticulture and grounds teams made the new perching adjustable, which is amazing,” said Dann. “If we find that our perching is too steep, or not steep enough, we can adjust a few bolts and see if the cats prefer things at a different angle. It means we’re not ‘stuck’ with the design, if we find our leopards aren’t engaging with it.”

The team also wanted to upgrade the habitat’s water feature. A previously unused waterfall has been revamped to help keep the leopards cool and provide an immersive, natural sound for guests.

“We want our guests to feel like they’re in the Far East or near a snowmelt stream in the Himalayas, where these big cats roam,” said Dann. “We thought we could do that with the waterfall, but we knew our leopards don’t like to be splashed. That was one of many examples of our teams coming together to find a solution that met all of our needs. Our keepers worked closely with our architect, horticulture, grounds and maintenance teams to get the flow of waterfall just perfect.”

The team also added some big rocks to the center of the pond, and set a low water level, so the leopards have cool rocks to nap on and they can wade into the shallow pond, if they choose to.

All three leopards have explored the new space, and Asian Highland keepers have been happy with their engagement.

“As keepers, we love the relationships we get to build with the animals, but we don’t want their lives to revolve around us,” said Dann. “We work to give them the comfort they seek from a habitat, but also problems to solve as independent beings. I love that we can provide these environments that give them more choices in their daily lives.”

There are a few final touches in the works, including a permanent waist-high fence to replace the temporary barrier that keeps guests at safe distance from the big cats’ mesh fencing. Guests can visit the leopards in Asian Highlands now.

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