He’s quadrupled in size, started training and is growing his first set of antlers – Our 8-month-old Alaska moose, Atka, has been with us for half a year – and what a busy six months it has been! We’re looking back at his progress and filling you in on what’s next for this quickly growing guy.

Before he even arrived at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, his team was working to make his habitat safe for him. The moose yard was already set up for an adult moose, but Atka only weighed about 90 pounds when he first came to live in Rocky Mountain Wild in July 2020, so there was plenty of ‘baby-proofing’ to do.

CMZoo grounds and maintenance crews installed fencing with smaller openings for Atka’s safety – better suited for a moose calf. Within that exterior boundary fencing, his team created a smaller boundary that prevented access to complicated parts of the yard, like the culvert and pond. The smaller yard meant he could get used to his new home and his rapidly growing moose legs one step at a time. As he became more confident and grew in size, he gained more access to the large outdoor space.

Atka, who was unfortunately orphaned in the wild in Alaska when his mother was involved in a fatal human-wildlife conflict, was still being hand-fed three bottles per day. Over the next several months, his team introduced grain and browse, otherwise known as tree branches, and reduced the number of bottles he received until he was completely weaned. Atka, like other moose in human care, also quickly developed a taste for bananas, which made the not-so-fun transition away bottles a little more bearable. The bottles were helpful in developing initial bonds with his keepers, and bananas are a favorite treat now.

“He was hesitant about some of us at first, but also curious from day one,” said Kristen Cox, Rocky Mountain Wild keeper. “Sometimes, when we’d clean his yard, he’d come right up and put his nose under our arms and smell the tools we were using, then sniff the bags we used to clean up and stomp on them. It was really ‘helpful’ and fun to see he wanted to approach us and see what we were doing.”

At first, Atka wasn’t used to his new people, so keepers slowly worked to teach him that when they were near and touched him on the back or neck that he would be safe, and would be rewarded – usually with a bottle and later with half a banana. He needed to be comfortable with physical touch as a first step toward learning behaviors that are important to his long-term health, like voluntary hoof care, injection training, x-rays, blood draws and more.

The keepers and Atka developed a trusting relationship over time, and the young moose has become quite the scholar. He’s already learning all of the above mentioned husbandry behaviors, thanks to his keepers who worked with him at his own pace and respected any time he chose not to participate. Now, he’s comfortable with people he doesn’t see daily, too, like the CMZoo veterinary team and staff visitors who come by to visit.

At about 380 pounds (yes, he has quadrupled in size since he came to CMZoo – and could likely grow to about 1,600 pounds at his prime), Atka doesn’t get visitors inside his yard anymore, so he’s also learned to consistently approach his keepers at his training panel, right next to his barn.

As he interacts more and more with his keepers, they’re learning his quirks and demeanor.

“I think he’s coming into his own after so many changes in such a short time,” said Kelsey Walker, Rocky Mountain Wild keeper. “He’s really energetic and playful. He likes to rub his face against our knuckles and gently play-spar with us that way. He’ll also run with us if we’re walking by on the path. He’ll see us and we’ll say, ‘Hey, moose!’ and he sprints over to us and zooms around all excited.”

He also seems to share a curiosity about giraffe, like many CMZoo fans.

“One day, the giraffe keepers let us have some of their browse for him,” said Sarah Dugger, Rocky Mountain Wild keeper. “Normally when we give him browse, he just devours it. It’s his favorite, next to bananas. But this browse had been in the giraffe barn for a couple of hours, so it smelled like giraffe. He was smelling it and rubbing against it and just looked really interested in what this strange smell was. Then, he ate it.”

What’s next for young Atka? More eating and growing, of course, and his first set of antlers.

“I’m so excited to see how big he gets,” said Dugger. “We keep hearing how big Alaska moose are. How tall will he get? How much will he weigh? What will his antlers look like? It’s going to be cool to see how his behavior changes in rut, when his antlers are fully developed, too. There’s a lot to look forward to.”

Male moose grow a new set of antlers each year and shed them every winter. Each set of antlers is unique, but go through about the same annual growth cycle. During rut, when typically solitary wild male moose battle other males for territory and access to female moose, their testosterone peaks. Although Atka won’t need to battle for his territory, his hormones will still likely lead him to instinctive sparring behaviors. To fulfill this instinct, keepers will provide him with large barrels and other items to rub his antlers against (and probably spar with occasionally).

On social media, Atka fans can keep up with his antler development with a new series, #AtkaAntlerWatch, published monthly on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. His first set of antlers started to form in November, but have really taken off in the last month or so. During each photo or video update on social media, Atka’s keepers will attempt to measure his antler growth. We say ‘attempt’ because this will not be an exact measurement, as Atka recently showed us he might be more interested in trying to taste the wooden ruler than being measured by it. As of the first update, on Jan. 25, 2021, his adorable antler ‘nubbins’ are about two inches tall, and are covered in fuzzy moose calf fur.

Soon, keepers will start introducing Atka to his pond – a next step his keepers say they can’t wait to see.

“It’ll be neat to see if he swims, because moose dive to eat underwater vegetation and can actually swim,” said Cox.
“I wonder if he’s going to get the zoomies in the water!” said Dugger.

Keep up with Atka’s exciting progress on the Zoo’s social media channels and by visiting him in Rocky Mountain Wild, voted the #2 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY’s Readers’ Choice contest in 2020.

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Our mountain lions are – like many of us – adjusting to a new normal. Seven-month-old Koda is now living full-time with 1-year-old mountain lion siblings, Adira and Sitka!

Because Koda was so much smaller than Adira and Sitka, and because he was found alone at such a young age, introducing the three cougars was a delicate process. Koda was excited to be with Adira and Sitka, but because he didn’t have a mother or siblings around to teach him how to be a mountain lion, he didn’t quite know the etiquette.

Learn from Courtney, Rocky Mountain Wild lead keeper, about the adjustments keepers made for the three mountain lions, and how Koda learned from Adira and Sitka throughout the process.

Our partner, Children’s Hospital Colorado, recognizes that we all continue to adjust our lives to find a balance these days. After you learn about how Koda, Adira and Sitka adjusted to their new normal, check out this parenting resource from CHCO, with tips on how your family can continue to adjust to its new normal.

Next time you’re at the Zoo, come by Rocky Mountain Wild to see our three young mountain lions as they grow together as a family unit.

Join Al and Phil, Water’s Edge: Africa keepers, for an update on Biko, Kasai and Zambezi, our three Nile hippos. Biko, our 18-year-old male, joined us in June, and has been developing a strong relationship with Zambezi. Biko is here on a breeding recommendation with Zambezi and Kasai, who are sisters. Learn more from their keepers about how these three are doing, and whether a baby hippo might be in our future!

Since Zena, our 6-year-old female Red River hog, joined us in 2019, African Rift Valley keepers have been working to introduce her and Huey, our 13-year-old male. The two hogs are getting along great, and keepers have even seen promising behaviors to support their breeding recommendation. Join Brooke, African Rift Valley keeper, for an update on these two.

Over the next several months, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo plans to get thoughtful input from the community on the short- and long-term future of the Zoo. We plan to pose various questions and surveys to you, our valued guests and neighbors, to help us identify big ideas that could make your experience at the Zoo even more unique and special.

Our first question has to do with the future of the Monkey Pavilion space. The building will be demolished within the next few months, and after that, we plan to use it as a multipurpose space, featuring 1) some unique adventure/experience/play space, 2) covered outdoor seating, and 3) smaller, more intimate animal exhibits. We’re looking for short-term ideas that could be installed by this summer, and long-term ideas that would be installed in the next two to three years.


We want to see photos of the most unique interactive experiences you and your family have seen. These can be any adventure or play activities, ideally for both adults and kids.

These experiences can fall in several categories:

  • non-structured play,
  • nature play,
  • “country life” play, etc.

We are looking to go way beyond swing sets and slides!

– Please submit your photos and a short description of the experience to [email protected]
– We may reply to your email if we want to find out more about the experience.
– Please send your photos ASAP! Our President & CEO, Bob Chastain, will personally review all submissions on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s EdVenture Department is finding new ways to connect you with our animals.

These new programs give guests options that suit their comfort level, while still providing up-close, custom animal experiences. Even with virtual options, we can still get you very, very close!

Take a look at some of the newest programs offered:

  • Animal Grams: These short-but-sweet programs are the perfect way to brighten someone’s day! You name the place, the person and the custom message, and we will hand-deliver a piece of artwork made by a very special animal artist. Did we mention that an animal helps with the delivery as well? Animal Grams are quick celebrations perfect for any occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baby announcements or just because. Find out more at cmzoo.org/grams.
  • Family Mini Camps: We always hear from parents that they wish there was a camp for them. Well, now there is! Family Mini Camps help families to spend quality time together while connecting with animals, engaging in hands-on activities, and spending time outdoors in nature. Camps include up-close and hands-on animal time at CMZoo and take-home activities to continue your experience in the comfort of your own home. Camps are booked for just one family at a time, so it is a truly custom Zoo experience. Visit cmzoo.org/camp to learn more and register your family!
  • Virtual Programs: We have an array of different programs offered on virtual platforms to experience CMZoo from anywhere! From live animal presentations with our Virtual ZOOMobile programs, to pre-recorded custom Zoo tours, we are sure to have what you’re looking for. Virtual programs can act as surprise supplements to long distance communications too. Video chats with the grandparents could be even better if everyone meets a sloth first! To find the perfect virtual experience, go to cmzoo.org/virtual.

As always, if there is a program or experience that you do not see, just let us know! We are happy to work with you to create a program that you are excited about!

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Check in with our three Hoffmann’s two-toed sloths, Bean, Chalupa and Bosco, as they settle into their new homes at CMZoo. Bean, who was born at CMZoo in 2019, is gaining independence just as Bean would in the wild at this age. Bean recently moved into The Loft, where keepers created a ropes course for the young sloth to explore, right above guest areas.

Chalupa and Bosco, both longtime CMZoo residents, moved together into the atrium in Scutes Family Gallery. Check out their lush-and-sunny new location and hear how their keeper team is preparing them for encounters, once we can offer them again.

Because El Paso County, where CMZoo is located, is moving to “Safer at Home – Severe Risk” or “Level Red” COVID-19 restrictions, indoor buildings at CMZoo will be closed to the public starting Saturday, Nov. 28. We’ll keep the sloths company while guests can’t visit, and will continue bringing updates from indoor exhibits. We know guests will be missing them during this time, so we’ll work hard to keep you connected.

Although admissions to the Zoo might slow down in the winter, behind the scenes, our team is constantly working to provide enriching habitats that support our animals’ natural behaviors and needs.

Frank Haas, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo landscape architect and planner, often leads projects that enrich our animals’ lives, but which many Zoo goers may not recognize right away. These projects deserve a little limelight, though.

In mid-November, two of these lesser-known projects were completed: new trees for the Colobus monkeys and African lions.

Logistics included finding the right species of tree, getting permits for transporting trees, unweaving the mesh enclosures, removing the former trees, pouring concrete piers for the new trees, rerouting guest traffic around the 110-ton crane that lifted the trees into the exhibits, and more. All told, the project took several months to coordinate and four days to execute.

“It’s a lot of planning and work for what you see, but that’s what it takes to do it right and most efficiently the first time,” said Haas. “Our top priority is always safety. Sometimes that means having to detour guests. It also means communicating with animal keepers to prepare their animals for the changes. We’re committed to giving our animals the best homes we can.”

CMZoo’s five African lions, Abuto, Lomela, Elsa, Boma and Aslan, and four Colobus monkeys, Tisa, Rudi, Sudi and Dezi, are well prepared for potential interruptions to their daily lives, like this. The animals train to respond to a recall behavior, where the keepers ask them to come to their indoor spaces for a variety of reasons, like weather, routine veterinary care, training, or exhibit maintenance.

“While the animals are inside, we spend lots of time with them to keep them calm and engaged,” said Michelle Salido, lead keeper in African Rift Valley. “We did lots of training and monitored them to be sure the activity outside wasn’t causing them stress.”

Rudi, Sudi, Dezi and Tisa seemed to be curious about the activity outside their windows while people worked in their outdoor space.

“They could see through their doors to the outside yard and they were really interested in what was going on,” said Brooke Powell, African Rift Valley keeper who works with the Colobus monkeys. “They kept looking at the workers and looking back at us, but they were calm. We were really proud of the way they handled it.”

In addition to the three new trees, crews installed new horizontal pieces that connect the trees. With incredibly strong back legs, Colobus monkeys do a lot of jumping, rather than swinging, like some primates. They can make huge leaps up to 50 feet. They like to jump quickly from tree to tree, so the horizontal pieces allow them to move even more freely than before.

“It’s a huge benefit to their welfare because they like to stay up high and move around quickly,” said Powell. “The new trees and horizontal connectors are amazing. They love it! When they first saw it and realized this new setup was safe for them to explore, all four of them went all over the trees. They’re going to have lots of fun with this new setup.”

The African lions, who have several indoor spaces and an off-exhibit outdoor space, also stayed out of their main yard while their trees were upgraded. The lion keepers say they seemed really excited to explore the new trees.

“It’s always impressive to see how observant they are,” said Jason Bredahl, animal care manager in African Rift Valley. “They spent lots of time smelling the new trees. Then, we all got a big kick out of watching them using the trees like giant cat scratching posts and to rub their faces on them. The African lion keepers will be able to use the new trees to provide even more enrichment and training opportunities that allow our lions to engage in their natural behaviors while they explore and investigate. It’s great to see projects like this come to life, and to see how much our animals enjoy the outcome.”

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November might be almost over, but the holiday season has just begun! Finding the right gifts can sometimes be the most challenging part of the holidays. If you are stumped on the perfect gifts to surprise your loved ones, don’t worry. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has you covered.

For the Artist or Decorator: Consider picking up unique artwork painted by a truly wild artist. Many animals at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo are artists and can participate in painting one-of-a-kind creations that are sure to spark conversation and brighten any space. Pieces are available for purchase online (and can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.) or in person at The Loft. If you really want to “wow” your loved ones, you can purchase a gift certificate to create a painting alongside an animal artist!

Learn more about animal art: cmzoo.org/gifts

For the Person Who Loves Videos: Show your movie lover you care with a personalized shout-out video, live virtual meet-and-greet with an animal, or even a video tour of the Zoo with super up-close animal footage! All content can be catered to cover specific interests and animal favorites. Choose to chat live with a Zoo expert and animal, or a receive a custom recorded video that can be watched over and over.

Learn more about virtual experiences: cmzoo.org/virtual

For the Animal Fanatic: A private encounter with a favorite animal is the perfect way to celebrate your animal fanatic this holiday season. Animal meet-and-greets are a minimum of 30 minutes and typically include feeding, training, and hands-on interaction with a CMZoo animal of your choice (some species are not available). These special encounters happen in reserved spaces, removed from other Zoo guests. Not sure which animal they want to meet? You can get gift certificates for animal encounters, so your loved one can choose and schedule their encounter themselves!

Learn more about encounters (COVID-19 restrictions may prevent us from immediately scheduling some animal encounters): cmzoo.org/encounter

For the Social Butterfly: Gathering with friends and family has been a challenge for everyone this year. If that special someone is looking for a way to spend time together with loved ones in a safe way, give them the gift of having the Zoo to themselves for the evening! Book a private Starlight Safari (for up to 10 people) and enjoy an adult beverage, a guided evening tour, and the opportunity to catch up with loved ones while creating new and fun memories in a socially distanced, outdoor environment!

Learn more about Starlight Safaris (COVID-19 restrictions may require us to make some changes to Starlight Safaris): cmzoo.org/starlight

It seems safe to say that this year has been tough for most people, and the holiday season might be a little strange as well. These unique gifts and experiences from Cheyenne Mountain Zoo are sure to inspire, uplift and connect your loved ones.

Visit https://www.cmzoo.org/events-programs/ to see all of the opportunities to share CMZoo with loved ones this year!

Don’t see something you want? Contact us at [email protected] to build a custom Zoo experience as a gift.

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An important conservation effort to save crowned cranes in East Africa is making progress, thanks to the support of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo members. The East African crowned crane has seen a dramatic decrease in population, losing 4,500 individuals over the last four years. If the decline continues at this pace, East African crowned cranes could be extinct in the next decade. The International Crane Foundation (ICF), Endangered Wildlife Trust and Leiden Conservation Foundation, with the support of CMZoo, are collaborating to learn more about this species.

Earlier this year, CMZoo members voted to send $11,000 to fund the banding of young cranes. The project is championed at the Zoo by Philip Waugh, lead keeper in Water’s Edge: Africa and longtime keeper in African Rift Valley, where he worked closely with CMZoo’s two East African crowned cranes, Inzi and Tagi.

Waugh went to ICF in Wisconsin to research this project and to learn how we could best support cranes. He was so inspired by their work that he built a proposal and submitted it for the 2020 Member Conservation Vote.

“They’ve been wanting to start this fieldwork for more than a decade, so when they learned our members could potentially support it, they were excited and so were we,” said Waugh. “It’s inspiring to see how they have prioritized this project. It goes to show that just by being a member at CMZoo, you can make big impacts for conservation around the world. Our members have allowed an organization with a presence on multiple continents to focus a lot of energy on this one project.”

East African crowned cranes, sometimes called grey crowned cranes, are found in many countries in Africa. In each native country, there can be varying causes for their decline, including unhealthy waterways, injuries from power lines, habitat loss from agricultural expansion, harvesting of chicks and eggs, and more.

One obstacle in the way of helping cranes is how little is known about the species. Through this banding project, we will learn a lot about which waterways the cranes depend on, how many offspring each crane typically contributes to a population, which trees they prefer to roost in, what types of diet and nesting material they require and their migration patterns.

“We don’t know if it’s a diminishing resource issue, human conflict, pollution, or a combination of those,” said Waugh. “This study will help us discover how we can help them before it’s too late.”

During field work, conservationists place colored bands on the chicks’ legs while they’re still in the nest. The color-coded bands allow monitors to identify the chicks’ individual identities, their country of origin and where they were banded. Since beginning field work in June 2020, ICF and Endangered Wildlife Trust have banded 48 chicks. The team is also monitoring 16 nests, most of which have incubating eggs.

In their recent report, ICF, in partnership with Endangered Wildlife Trust, said they have been encouraged by local community support of the banding project. Community members have been helping conservationists by reporting sightings of the birds. They attribute this positive community response to increased community engagement.

“Through the generous support of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, we have, for the first time in our more than twenty-year project, been able to color-band grey crowned cranes in East Africa, the species’ stronghold,” said Dr. Joseph Mwangi, Kenya country coordinator of the African Crane Conservation Program. “This is a critical step to better understanding movement and dispersal of grey crowned cranes for effective conservation of the species and its habitat.”

Since 2015, the Member Conservation Vote has provided $450,000 of the Zoo’s membership revenue to support field conservation worldwide. Each year, a total of $100,000 of membership revenue is contributed to conservation in two ways:

  • $25,000 to the Quarters for Conservation program, which contributes $500,000 annually to CMZoo’s legacy conservation partners.
  • $75,000 to projects voted for by CMZoo members through the annual vote.

We will keep you updated as this exciting project continues.

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