Emmett and Digger, two 20-year-old grizzly bears, have called Cheyenne Mountain Zoo home since 2007. Sometimes people wonder how they got here. Although they’re the same age, they’re not related, but they share similar backstories, and have been together since 2006.
In the wild, they were labeled as nuisance bears after several negative interactions with humans prior to being removed from the wild. Often, nuisance bears aren’t as lucky as these two, and once they receive several ‘strikes,’ they are often killed or relocated. Emmett and Digger were given a second chance, and a safe and enriching life, at CMZoo.
Now, Emmett and Digger spend their days exploring, training, playing and showing guests just how incredible grizzlies are – far from the temptations that got them into trouble in the wild. While grizzly bears don’t live in Colorado, black bears roam many urban and wild spaces here. With impressive senses of smell and problem-solving abilities, they need our help to stay wild. Do your part by securing trash, bringing in bird feeders at night and storing food in bear-safe locations, both at home and out in nature. It’s up to us to help bears resist the temptation of an easy meal in an unsafe situation.