BABY WATCH: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Announces Giraffe Pregnancy
Msitu (muh-SEE’-too), a 10-year-old reticulated giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, is pregnant, according to various test results and experts. CMZoo veterinary staff and giraffe keepers believe she is likely to have a calf in the next two months. ”We’re excited to share this news with our community and the huge group of giraffe fans around the world...
Two-toed Sloth Born At Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
A Hoffman’s two-toed sloth was born at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Tuesday, May 14 at 12:15 p.m. The baby appears to be strong, and first-time mom, 19-year-old Chalupa, is exhibiting quality maternal instincts. The pregnancy came as quite a surprise for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo keepers and staff, when it was first discovered during unrelated veterinary testing...
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Announces Member Conservation Vote Grant Winners
Each year, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo members vote to select which CMZoo staff-championed conservation projects will receive funding. This year, $75,000 was allocated to support projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Kenya, Laos, Vietnam, and right here, in Colorado Springs. Since 2015, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo member conservation grants have $375,000 of membership revenue to support field conservation worldwide
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Voted #6 Best Zoo in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards
For the third consecutive year, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has been voted one of the top ten zoos in North America in the USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. This time, America’s mountain Zoo was recognized in two categories: #6 Best Zoo in North America and #5 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America, for its Rocky Mountain Wild exhibit. “It means a great deal to know that people voted for us.
Summer Camp Registration is Open
It may feel like spring just arrived, but it is time to start planning for summer vacation! With Zoo Camp options for kindergarten through 12th grade, there is truly an adventure for everyone. New this year: each camp week has an over-arching theme that all grade levels will explore in their own adventurous ways . . .
CMZoo Horticulture Team Shares Colorado Gardening Tips
Which plants attract early pollinators? Which will help you conserve water? What kind of maintenance should you make a priority this time of year? CMZoo’s horticulture team answers all of these questions and more.
Celebrating CMZoo’s Animal Matriarchs
In anticipation of Mother’s Day, we’re celebrating some of the animal matriarchs who live with their offspring at CMZoo. Take a walk down memory lane as we remember their adorable babies and check in with the moms and their growing offspring today.
CMZoo’s Animal Training Program Includes Preparation for Injections and Blood Draws
Providing excellent health care for the hundreds of animals at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo comes in many forms. Depending on their individual needs, animals might receive special diets, exercise plans, laser therapy treatments, vaccines, medications and more. Their health care plans often involve injections, both proactively in the form of annual vaccinations, and reactively with medications . . .
CMZoo Prepares Headstart Wyoming Toads for Release into the Wild
As amphibians face mass extinction, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo's conservation team works to repopulate the Wyoming toad. Hear from Field Conservation Coordinator, Jeff Baughman, about what's contributing to the widespread eradication, what CMZoo is doing to try to stop it, and how you can help.
Checking in with Charlie’s Baby Howler Monkey
In March, CMZoo howler monkey, Charlie, became a first-time-mom. We checked in with CMZoo lead keeper, Michelle Salido, for an update on the baby and to hear the story of the afternoon Charlie went into labor on exhibit.