The Golden Years
IT’S ALL ABOUT BALANCE FOR AGING MEERKAT BOMANI Our meerkat population grew three times last year with the addition of three litters of pups. If one of the eldest CMZoo meerkats, Bomani, is any indication, they have long and healthy lives ahead of them. Bomani, a 13-year-old male slender-tailed meerkat, has lived at Cheyenne Mountain . . .
Connecting Hands, Hearts and Minds Through CMZoo’s Teen Outdoor Adventure Program
Explore & Learn One way that we engage our Cheyenne Mountain Zoo teen program community is through outdoor adventure experiences. We offer trips year round that connect teens to local, national and international wildlife and wild places. Each destination, adventure, and educational opportunity is intentional. “Each program we offer focuses on connecting the hands, the . . .
CMZoo’s Dr. Liza Dadone Assists with First-Ever West African Giraffe Relocation in Niger
The Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) estimates a little more than 600 West African giraffe remain in the wild today. Although that number seems small, it is a sign of successful conservation efforts over the past 30 years. Only 49 wild West African giraffe existed in the mid-1990s, due to illegal hunting, climate change and habitat . . .
Meet Abuto, CMZoo’s African Lion Patriarch
Animal Encounter Abuto, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s seven-year-old male African lion, often wows guests with his remarkable roar, striking mane and impressive intelligence. He has many roles, including ambassador, inspiration and patriarch. Abuto is father to males Aslan and Boma, and to female Elsa, who were all born at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo on June 25, 2015. . . .
CMZoo’s Living Legend, Laredo the Rio Grande Turkey
Guests and staff alike are enamored with CMZoo living legend Laredo, a Rio Grande turkey. At nearly 18 years old, Laredo is the oldest documented living turkey in the United States, and probably in the world. The average lifespan of a turkey is between five and seven years. Despite his unbelievable age, 19-pound, three-foot-tall Laredo’s . . .
Edventure Launches Stroller Safaris
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s EdVenture department is excited to introduce Stroller Safaris, a brand-new monthly program series for early explorers. Stroller Safaris are informal exploratory experiences for children between the ages of one and four. During every Stroller Safari, children accompanied by an adult will use all five senses to connect with nature and animals. Participants . . .
2018 Conservation Highlights
Every day of the year, conservation is at the center of the inspiration and work at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. As 2018 comes to a close, we’re reflecting on some of CMZoo’s conservation contributions this year. We hope you’ll be inspired to take action, big or small, to join us in the important work of conserving . . .
Checking In with the Wolf Pack
It’s no surprise that Luna, Navarro and their gorgeous pups continue to be guest favorites at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. What did surprise guests, keepers and vet staff earlier this year was the arrival of the pups. After decades of unproductive breeding attempts, the Zoo welcomed a litter of the endangered species. The pups and parents . . .
Electric Safari Voted Fifth Best Zoo Lights in U.S. by USA Today’s 10Best
USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards today announced that Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has been voted No. 5 in the nation in the Best Zoo Lights category. This is the third year running that CMZoo has ranked in the top ten.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Celebrates the Long Life of Tamu, Oldest Girafffe in North America
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is heartbroken to say goodbye to Tamu, our 32-year-old female reticulated giraffe, who was the oldest giraffe in North America at the time of her passing. Since coming to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in April 2003, she made strong and countless emotional connections with guests and staff alike, who often affectionately referred to her as ‘Moose’ or ‘Grandma.’