The Keys to Black-footed Ferret Breeding Success: Lighting, Testing, Time
Every expectant mother wants good lighting for her big moment, but for black-footed ferrets, lighting is absolutely critical to optimum breeding. CMZoo Conservation Coordinator Jeff Baughman utilizes lighting cycles, lots of cell testing and a solid timetable to successfully breed the endangered small mammals. Currently, Baughman averages about 20 to 30 black footed-ferret kits per . . .
Moonlight on the Mountain is Sold Out
Moonlight on the Mountain, one of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s adult-only events, is tomorrow night! Attendance is restricted to adults 21 and over. Tickets include unlimited samples of beer, wine, spirits and soft drinks, as well as delicious eats from area restaurants. Plus, local musicians will set the mood throughout the Zoo and have guests dancing the night away until 10 p.m.!
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Asks for Community Support: Capital Campaign Will Build Dynamic New Exhibit
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is asking for the public’s help to “fund the flock” and help complete our Making Waves capital campaign to build a dynamic new exhibit for endangered African penguins, hippos and much more. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and one of very few accredited zoos in the country that receives no tax support, the support of the Colorado Springs community is vital to the Zoo’s continued ability to upgrade our facilities.
Hopping to Hope
Throughout Panama, a silent extinction is occurring. Dozens of frog and toad species have already been driven to extinction by chytridiomycosis, the world’s most lethal amphibian disease. Fortunately, amphibian conservationists and the greater zoo community have not been sitting idly by. Caused by the chytrid fungus, this disease is responsible for having caused amphibian population . . .
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Welcomes Newborn Giraffe
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is proud to announce the 199th successful giraffe birth in its history – the healthy calf was born overnight last night. The calf is the second offspring for mom, Msitu (pronounced miss-ee-TOO), and the third to be sired by dad, Khalid (pronounced cull-EED). The calf joins our existing herd of 16 giraffe.