Slender-tailed meerkat mom, Hullabaloo, and dad, Sage, have their paws full with two tiny, fluffy and squeaky bundles of joy. On March 2, the first-time parents welcomed their babies to their cozy behind-the-scenes den in Encounter Africa. Hullabaloo and Sage are adapting to parenting like pros and their brand-new family is bonding well.

The little ones are hitting all the meerkat milestones, like nursing, opening their eyes, and exploring with mom and dad. As long as the pups and new parents continue to do well – and weather is warm enough – they could start exploring outside in the next few weeks. Guests can keep an eye out for the young family in the west meerkat habitat in Encounter Africa.

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Within Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s vast Teen Program lies the Youth Leadership Action Board (YLAB), a small group of ambitious teens that goes above and beyond to uphold the Zoo’s mission of connecting people to wildlife and wild places.

YLAB members work side by side with EdVenture staff to advance the Teen Program and find new ways to connect with our local communities. In January, YLAB’s Conservation Committee held the very first Youth Conservation Outreach Summit (YCOS) to foster relationships with local schools’ environmental clubs. A dozen high schools and middle schools attended to learn how teens and their schools could make a positive impact on local natural spaces.

“Our goals were to provide new ideas that environmental clubs can implement in their own clubs and to create a wide network to grow this environmentally focused community of high schoolers,” said Alice Maytan, CMZoo Teen Program Conservation Committee co-chair

Throughout the daylong summit, committee members toured groups of attendees through the Zoo, stopping at points that highlighted conservation efforts, like composting, hydroponics and pollinator gardens. At each stopping point, YLAB members would lead a group discussion and brainstorm ways schools could potentially incorporate similar conservation projects on their own campuses.

“We’ve already seen direct action from one high school, who hosted a gift card drive inspired by our conservation initiatives towards reducing petroleum mining,” said co-chair Mabel Kim. “It is exciting to see that the summit inspired them and that they were applying ideas and tips we gave them for organizing a conservation campaign.”

The gift card collection and recycling project has been a long-standing effort of the Teen Program. Teens collect used plastic gift cards and take them to be destroyed and recycled into other plastic items. This effort helps reduce plastic waste and petroleum mining in Africa, which occurs in the habitats of many African species, such as giraffe and Western lowland gorillas.

By creating unique opportunities and hands-on experiences, CMZoo’s Teen Program and its participants aim to help local youth realize how they can make a positive environmental impact. There are many ways youth can advocate for wildlife and wild places and be stewards of the environment, whether volunteering at local organizations or simply making a change in their own lifestyle.

YLAB hopes to continue and expand the Youth Conservation Outreach Summit annually. Interested high school clubs and advisors can reach Teen Program supervisors at [email protected] to find out more.

Until then, YLAB is staying busy, hosting its annual Earth Day event at the Zoo on Sat., April 27. Throughout the day, Teen Program participants will host a variety of hands-on stations at the Zoo that guests of all ages can interact with to learn how they can help protect our planet. Regular daytime Zoo admission includes Earth Day event activities. Advance admission is required. Tickets are available at

YLAB is also planning its sixth annual Youth Conservation Leadership Conference (YCLC), at the Zoo from Fri., July 19 through Sun., July 21, 2024. This unique, weekend-long event is open to all sixth- through 12th-grade students around the country who will participate in workshops led by our very own YLAB members. Participants will enjoy a wide range of conservation-focused topics and meet other like-minded peers. Early-bird registration for YCLC ends on Mon., April 15. Regular registration ends on Wed., July 10. This event is popular and is likely to sell out in advance. Get more information and register here.

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If you’ve ever wondered if animals have blood types, you’re not the only one! The International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe, at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (The Giraffe Center), recently teamed up with Dr. Lily Parkinson, clinical veterinarian at Brookfield Zoo Chicago, and several more giraffe care teams to help find out. Dr. Parkinson is leading a study to see if giraffe have different blood types and if it is common for giraffe to have compatible blood types.

“In small animal emergency medicine, blood typing is common knowledge,” said Brenda Cordova, RVT, hospital manager at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. “In our larger zoo animals, we’ve never really had the opportunity to find out, because we haven’t had as much access to test their blood on a large scale like this. Now that so many giraffe are trained to participate in voluntary blood draws, this could lead to some really exciting discoveries that help us fine-tune giraffe care even more.”

Dr. Parkinson says different molecules that live on the surface of red blood cells make one blood type different from another – in people and in animals. An animal’s immune system can attack anything it perceives is a ‘foreign invader.’ If the immune system detects different molecules on transfused blood cells, the body might attack those red blood cells and destroy them.

Typically, before a blood transfusion, care teams will draw the recipient’s blood and mix it with a drop of already processed plasma from the donor. Veterinary teams will watch for reactions between the two bloods and move ahead if there are no obvious negative reactions.

“Many people know about the incredible nationwide giraffe plasma bank that can help treat newborn giraffe calves that need extra help,” said Dr. Parkinson. “The findings from this blood typing study could take that science another step further to help us give these calves the most compatible and helpful plasma transfusions.”

This study hopes to reveal how to test giraffe for compatible blood types. If giraffe do have different blood types, giraffe care teams could do additional testing to have better confirmations that a donor’s blood isn’t going to harm the recipient.

To achieve dependable findings in a study like this, you need a lot of data. In this case, that requires a lot of giraffe willing to donate their blood. Dr. Parkinson reached out to Amy Schilz, senior animal behaviorist at The Giraffe Center and giraffe care co-manager at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, to help her enlist volunteers.

“When Dr. Lily reached out for potential contributors for this study, it was a perfect example of how The Giraffe Center can serve as a central resource for all things giraffe care,” said Schilz. “Because we have worked with so many giraffe care teams across the country, we already knew which herds are trained to give blood voluntarily, and we knew how to get everyone together for this important study that supports what we all want: to take the best care possible of giraffe.”

A few phone calls and a multi-zoo video conference later, 13 zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and one private facility were on board to contribute to the study. In the end, around 60 giraffe voluntarily submitted blood for the study.

Seven of those samples came from giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Schilz, the giraffe care team in African Rift Valley and the CMZoo veterinary team came together over a few days to gather those samples, leaning on their established training and relationships with the long-necked donors named Mashama, Msitu, Twiga, Bailey, Laikipia, Muziki and 1-year-old Wednesday.

“This was Wednesday’s first time giving blood, and she was incredible,” said Schliz. “There was a hush that fell over the barn when we saw her approach her team with such trust and remain completely unbothered throughout the session. This little giraffe is already making a big impact. We are so impressed with her.”

The blood draw sessions are voluntary and the participating giraffe at CMZoo are eager to earn the reinforcers – usually yummy rye crackers – they receive during training sessions. They can choose to walk away at any time, and our veterinary technicians use a specialized blood draw setup so the needle falls out if the giraffe walks away.

“It goes to show how important it is to proactively train for these volunteer behaviors,” said Cordova. “Training allows us to take the best care of the animals as individuals, and it also allows us to respond to these calls to contribute to the greater giraffe community’s shared knowledge.”

As giraffe care teams learn more about blood typing for giraffe, CMZoo will share updates.

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Not one, but TWO wallaby joeys are starting to steal the hearts of every explorer in Australia Walkabout! Gidgee and her sister, Katt, are both carrying 5-month-old joeys who are starting to poke their heads out of the pouch, taking in the world around them. This is Gidgee’s third joey and Katt’s first. Both moms are doing well, adjusting to life with their little pink pouch occupants. The joeys are developing quickly, with their limbs, eyelashes, whiskers, and facial features becoming more distinct. Both joeys are likely to start exploring the yard on their own two feet around mid-April.

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Roger, 4-year-old North American porcupine, has some impressive “quill-ities.” His gentle, curious and friendly nature directly contributes to Roger’s important training behaviors, adorable enrichment and strong relationship with his keepers. Mastering behaviors like target training, stationing and injection training plays a big role in how keepers can best care for Roger now and in the future. Visit Roger in Rocky Mountain Wild during your next visit to CMZoo!

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African lions are working through a delicate transition in African Rift Valley. The lion keepers’ long-term goal is to provide healthy groupings and vital social interactions for the four related big cats, with Lomela, the mother, bridging the gap for her family.

Aging parents, Abuto (12) and Lomela (16), their daughter, Elsa (8), and their son, Aslan (8), make up the African lion pride at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. In April 2023, Aslan’s and Elsa’s brother, Boma, moved to San Diego Zoo Safari Park. When Boma and Aslan were about a year-and-a-half old, Abuto told them it was time to go on their own, so the boys formed a coalition and lived together. After Boma began showing signs that he was ready for his own pride last year, which is typical for male lions around that age, CMZoo worked with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) African Lion Species Survival Plan to find Boma a pride of female lions to live with.

After Boma’s departure from CMZoo, the African lion care team began ‘howdies’ between Elsa and Aslan, so Aslan could have another lion to spend social time with. After their interactions with a protective barrier between them didn’t produce the outcome keepers hoped for, the team started weighing other options.

“We didn’t see anything necessarily alarming between Elsa and Aslan during their howdies, but we didn’t see the calm and interested behaviors we wanted to see,” said Savannah Woods, animal keeper in African Rift Valley. “Re-introducing lions can be dangerous. When you’re deciding whether to give these massive animals access to each other, you want to have the right indications that they’re going to be safe.”

The keepers’ next option was to see if Lomela and Aslan could be re-introduced. It wasn’t their first option because of Lomela’s age and the reality that she might not be around for a lot longer. She has reached the median life expectancy for African lions in human care, according to the AZA.

Lomela and Aslan started howdies a few months ago, and in early February, after seeing several good interactions, the two started sharing space.

“Lomela is calm and assertive, which is what Aslan needs so he can re-learn what is acceptable behavior around female lions,” said Woods. “He is more interested in her than she is in him, so he’ll approach her to smell her, and she will let him get close until she decides she wants more space. Then, she’ll typically hiss or bark at him, and he will back off. He’s being respectful, and she’s communicating really well.”

As introductions continue, the mother and son have been comfortable sharing space. They’re often seen drinking water, engaging with enrichment individually and sleeping in separate areas of the same room, which are signs of comfort.

In a recent introduction, Aslan approached Lomela while she was lying down, and she hissed at him to give her more space. Because he’s getting more comfortable, he’s also testing new limits, and she is responding with new communication methods – in this case, a roar and a single swat to his face. He backed off right away, and they both laid back down. About 30 seconds later, Lomela moved closer to Aslan to get a drink of water, and he watched her calmly without moving. The two are continuing to learn how to interact in ways they’re both comfortable with.

“Their actions can seem a little intense sometimes, but that is just how they communicate,” said Woods. “We will have someone monitoring them during introductions, until we’re confident they’ve developed good social skills together. This new setup doesn’t come without risk, but we have to trust them to continue communicating because, long-term, having these social opportunities is best for the pride. We’re really proud of their progress, and glad we can provide new social opportunities.”

Because of Lomela’s age, keepers will continue to work on howdies between Elsa and Aslan. That plan will likely have Lomela sharing space with Elsa on one side of a protective barrier and Aslan on the other. Lomela’s presence is calming for Elsa, so keepers are leaning on Lomela to help her kids feel comfortable around each other. Unfortunately, aging Lomela won’t always be here to help her family get along, so they’re taking advantage of the time they have with her leadership.

“We’re grateful for Lomela’s leadership and we’re hopeful about the interactions we’ve seen so far,” said Woods. “We appreciate everyone sending the pride their best wishes as they move through these new chapters.”

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A charcuterie board fit for a king sits in the human side of a gorilla den. Peanuts, grapes, bananas, primate biscuits and handmade peanut butter-and-oatmeal roll-ups are lined up next to a souvenir CMZoo cup of juice, ready to reward an impressive set of skills. The goodies are for the king of Primate World – Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s much-loved male Western lowland gorilla, Goma.

Just beyond the spread of sweet and savory snacks, on the gorilla side of the den, a blue plastic stool sits in a room covered in comfy hay with two open doors on either side. One brightly backlit door leads to the yard, where the sun is shining brightly on a warm February day. On the other side of the second door, CMZoo’s gorilla troop members, Asha, Kwisha, Roxie and Goma are lounging, foraging, building nests and interacting with guests through glass.

February is Heart Month and today is another heart health monitoring day, so a veterinary cardiologist is on site. Heart health is important regardless of age or species. CMZoo partner, Children’s Hospital Colorado, cares for some of the world’s smallest cardiac patients, while CMZoo cares for one of the biggest.

Goma will be 33 years old on March 31, and the median life expectancy for male Western lowland gorillas in human care, according to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums is 32.7 years. Unfortunately, heart disease is prevalent in older male great apes. Goma has heart disease and takes oral medication to prevent its progression. His disease is under control and his care team monitors his health with regular cardiac ultrasound readings provided by the local experts at North Springs Veterinary Referral Center.

As the cardiologist follows Primate World Lead Keeper Jon Wild into the room, a commanding but tentative presence joins them from the other side of the mesh. It’s Goma, and he knows those tasty treats are for him.

“Hi there,” Wild says softly to the 435-pound silverback, who is taking his time scanning the room, his big brown eyes intently studying the faces beaming back at him. “We have some extra people in here today, don’t we? You’re okay. Do you want to come over here and do some ultrasound training with us? Just sit here on your stool, and we’ll get started.”

Goma isn’t hesitant about Wild, the cardiologist, the equipment or the observing keeper in the room. He’s familiar with this setup; he just did this a few days ago. It’s the two people here to learn about his training and take photos that he’s not so sure about. Wild reassures Goma, and Goma quickly settles onto his light blue spool seat, scooching up to the mesh for a refreshing gulp of juice.

Goma is comfortable, even with the new visitors, because his care team has earned his trust through years of relationship building. Goma established this ultrasound behavior previously, so once Goma got to know Wild, who has 22 years of experience working with great apes and has worked at CMZoo for over a year, they started building upon it. The most important part of Goma’s participation in the ultrasounds is sitting still – either on his stool or on the ground – with his chest close enough that Wild can slip the probe through the mesh onto Goma’s chest.

The sessions’ length is up to Goma. Sometimes they’re five minutes and sometimes they last over an hour. Wild communicates to Goma to reposition or to bring his chest closer to the mesh, and Goma sits still. Wild and the cardiologist communicate about the image on the ultrasound screen and where to move the probe to get the best views. All the while, Goma sits patiently and gets treats from Wild. But, there’s one element that sensitive Goma, who is a great student, isn’t shy about protesting.

“He doesn’t care for the ultrasound gel,” said Wild. “Some animals enjoy it and they rub it all over themselves, some don’t seem to notice, and Goma tolerates it, but not right away. We can’t figure out why. It doesn’t have a smell, and it isn’t menthol or textured. We warm up the gel so it isn’t cold. When he sees the gel bottle, he’ll lean slightly back and side-eye it until I present the best reward – his peanut-butter and oatmeal roll-ups or juice.”

Once Goma agrees to let the gel touch his skin for the first time, he’s fine with it, but he is welcome to have a moment to communicate he’d rather not endure it at the beginning of each session. He’s a smart gorilla, and he negotiates throughout sessions. Sometimes he offers a more simple behavior compared to presenting his chest, like offering his shoulder or opening his mouth, to see if that will elicit a reward. If he wants to stop, he can always walk away, but that doesn’t happen often.

“We’re asking him to choose this over whatever he’s engaged in,” said Wild. “That’s why the high-value snacks are so important. The experience has to be his most rewarding option, which means having his favorite foods and knowing he’s in control. He also needs to be comfortable with the team. When we started working with this cardiologist, we introduced them while she gave him snacks and juice and talked to him so he could get used to her voice. We got lucky because Goma really likes her.”

His care team is excited about the images Goma has allowed them to collect on ultrasound. They say the equipment and expertise they have access to now is providing some of the best images they have been able to collect.

Making sure Goma’s medication is working is the top priority, but the images serve another purpose. CMZoo shares Goma’s heart health updates, images and medication regimen with the Great Ape Heart Project – a collection of great ape keepers and veterinarians who use this data to learn more about gorillas’ and orangutans’ hearts and share that with people who care for apes. That shared greater depth of knowledge can provide caregivers more treatment options and proven solutions for the great apes in their stewardship.

About 20 minutes into Goma’s session, another curious face appears in the room. This time, it’s not a person, it’s 31-year-old Asha, who is Goma’s number-one in the troop.

“She wants a turn,” said Wild, gesturing toward Asha. “Most of our great apes participate in some kind of heart monitoring, whether that’s EKG readings or blood pressure monitoring through their fingertips, or ultrasounds. Asha is also working on an ultrasound behavior on her belly.”

Asha, who has a breeding recommendation with Goma, is eager to train with Wild. But, Goma is the dominant animal in the group, so Asha doesn’t interfere beyond glancing toward Wild and Goma to make sure they have noticed her playing with a few little pieces of hay in the doorway to the den. Once Goma is finished training, Asha comes into the den and Wild places the probe on her abdomen, but doesn’t see anything exciting. Asha and Goma have been seen breeding, but there’s no evidence it has been successful.

CMZoo will continue to share updates as the group continues to train, bond and grow as a cohesive group.

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Through Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s annual Member Conservation Vote, CMZoo members are funding an important ongoing study on the movements of wild black bears in the Pikes Peak region. In 2022, members voted to spend conservation-allocated membership revenue on GPS ear tags that Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officers use when reintroducing black bears to the wild.

In early February 2024, CPW transported two yearling black bear cubs that were fitted with the GPS ear tags from a rehabilitation facility to an artificial den on Pikes Peak. Later this spring, they’ll wake up and start their second chance at living wild.

According to CPW, one of the bears placed in the den this month was orphaned by its sow last summer in the Broadmoor neighborhood in southwest Colorado Springs – just down the road from CMZoo. The sow had four cubs, which is extremely unusual. CPW biologists speculate she may not have been able to care for all four cubs. It’s likely that as the runt of her litter, this little one was abandoned.

The other bear wandered into the Rifle Falls Fish Hatchery without its sow last summer. It would not have been able to survive on its own in the wild at that young age, so it found a home as a surrogate sibling with the ‘Broadmoor Bear’ at the rehabilitation center.

Both cubs, about a year old now, spent the last several months together, being kept as wild as possible in preparation for their reintroduction. Earlier this month, CMZoo staff joined CPW to observe their journey back to the wild.

“CPW officers pulled the little bears – who were under anesthesia – on sleds through the snowy evergreen forests on Pikes Peak and tucked them into a nice warm den,” said Zwicker. “They’ll stay in this den for the rest of winter, and then they’ll wake up and start helping their species by giving us a glimpse into their whereabouts over the next several months.”

The GPS data uploads from the ear transmitter tags about every two weeks. CPW tracks those snapshots of the bears’ locations to help define successful rehabilitation and care for orphaned bear cubs, and where to release them.

This is the second time member-funded GPS trackers have been used to track black bear movements after wild reintroduction. The first two cubs with these ear tag transmitters were released in January 2022 to the same artificial den.

One of the 2022-released bears dropped its ear tag several months after waking up in the den, as planned, and by all accounts is still living wild on the mountain. The other unfortunately reoffended and had to be euthanized after human-wildlife conflicts.

“It’s a sad fact, but it’s also a stark reminder that we need to help bears stay out of trouble,” said Zwicker. “With this data from the GPS trackers, biologists will be able to compare what four cubs do in the same space. They can look at the rehab strategies used for each and compare their success as wild bears. It’s going to help us help more wild bears stay wild.”

CPW reports that urban bear conflict is one of their biggest issues, especially bears getting into garbage at area homes and businesses. It will be valuable to study the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts with orphaned bear cubs and see if they really do learn to avoid humans in the future. Zwicker urges Coloradans to be good neighbors of native wildlife by following simple ‘bear aware’ guidelines.

“Working with CPW on projects like this has enhanced my understanding of the natural world,” said Zwicker. “The folks at CPW truly care about wildlife. They’re incredibly dedicated and impressive professionals fighting the good fight for our local wildlife. Our roles can be different, but we’re all passionate stewards of our environment. I’m grateful our members are funding this connection between the Zoo’s animal advocates and the animal advocates at CPW.”

Since 2015, the Member Conservation Vote has provided $600,000 of membership revenue to support field conservation worldwide. Each year, a total of $100,000 of membership revenue supports conservation projects in two ways:

  • $25,000 to the Quarters for Conservation program, which has raised more than $5 million dollars for CMZoo’s legacy conservation projects since the program began in 2008.
  • $75,000 to projects voted for by CMZoo members through this annual vote.

Next month, CMZoo members will get the opportunity to vote on the 2024 Member Conservation Vote projects. Members, keep an eye on your email for your members-only link to vote! Interested in becoming a member? Visit

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Six life-sized bronze giraffe sculptures will welcome guests to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, as part of the new admissions and giraffe habitat updates happening in the coming years – and their creation is a tall order.

“I’ve been using a lot of ladders,” said Antonia Chastain, public art manager at CMZoo. “These are the largest sculptures I’ve ever done, and it’s quite a process. We have probably years ahead of us in this creation. But it’s exciting to see the first one coming together now, and the plan is to unveil them as part of the hundred-year anniversary of the Zoo, in 2026.”

The sculptures started as six-inch clay thumbnail sketches. Once the team was happy with the general design, Chastain sculpted detailed four-foot clay maquettes. To create the most lifelike sculptures, she relied on the expertise of the giraffe team to portray giraffe attitudes and postures correctly.

Chastain spends weeks with the CMZoo giraffe team, leaning on the giraffe herd’s voluntary hoof care behaviors to measure the giraffe. They measure from hoof to knee, around the diameters of their calves, the lengths of their tails, legs, necks and more, to get the proportions right in the maquettes phase. Known for her attention to detail, Chastain also meticulously studied and sculpted eyelid wrinkles, hair, hoof texture, spots and skin folds.

“Then, you need to make sure the four-foot models’ knees and ankles are proportional, because if you enlarge them to five times the size for the final sculptures, you could end up with knees that look like elephant knees above ankles made for giraffe,” said Chastain. “It’s so important that the proportions are correct.”

To create the next size up, the foundry artists scan the four-foot clay models into a 3-D printer that produces foam pieces five times their size – one piece at a time. The foam pieces are reconstructed into a life-sized full giraffe, then Chastain reapplies a layer of clay to the huge replicas. Once every detail is carved back into the clay, the team casts each piece in bronze and welds them together.

The one being sculpted in its final size now is posed bending down to nuzzle her calf, and she is ten feet tall at the curve of her neck. The other mother giraffe sculptures are posed more upright, and will be around 18 feet tall when they’re finished.

As of now, the plan is to create three visual stories of mother giraffe and their calves. The statue of Penny, a giraffe calf who inspired millions during her short life at CMZoo, will move from its current location by the giraffe barn to become part of this larger display. The three mother giraffe and two additional giraffe calf statues are not representations of any individual giraffe. However, especially attentive giraffe fans might notice spot patterns, poses or ossicone shapes inspired by other giraffe from CMZoo.

“The various poses are homages to their nurturing instinct and the special connection between mother and baby,” said Chastain. “One set is stretching towards each other to nuzzle face-to-face and there’s a line between their necks that’s just beautiful form and flow. The third pair is a nod to when kids are little and they’re shy to meet someone new. Their instinct is to lean against mom for security, kind of a ‘hold my hand’ feel.”

As the sculptures continue to take shape and eventually make their way to the Zoo, CMZoo will share updates.

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February is International Hoof Care Month, so come behind the scenes for an up-close look at giraffe hoof care training! Hoof care is important for the overall health of all hoofstock animals. Brushing, picking, and trimming contribute to maintaining healthy hooves, directly influencing the health of a giraffe’s entire body. At CMZoo, keepers have built trust with the giraffe herd through positive reinforcement, offering them the choice to train with their favorite crackers or walk away.

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