Five Rocky Mountain goats call CMZoo home. Twinkie (17), Yazhi (12), Albert (8), Lena (3) and Blanca (9 months) make up the herd seen high up in their customized habitat made up of cascading rock formations. This steep habitat mimics the terrain Rocky Mountain goats experience in the wild.

Their unique hooves have two toes with a soft center that acts as a kind of climbing shoe. Keepers help our goats get the best grip on the rocks through important voluntary hoof care training.

Our goats also participate in target training and scale training. When keepers ask the goats to touch or move to a target, they are rewarded with their favorite treats. This training allows keepers to weigh them on a scale, administer vaccines or other medications, and check their hoofs for overgrowth or foreign objects.

Next time you visit CMZoo, stop by the Rocky Mountain goat exhibit and watch members of the herd scale rocks with their nimble hooves!

Back to The Waterhole

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is preparing for the arrival of a female Amur tiger, Mila [MEE-luh], in early March and the departure of a male African lion, Boma [BOH-muh], in late March. The two moves support their respective Species Survival Plans, but aren’t necessarily immediate breeding recommendations. Organizations accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) often work together, like this, to provide the best homes available as animals mature and develop different needs, like additional space or new social opportunities.

Mila, who will turn two on May 1, will travel to CMZoo from Toronto Zoo, where she was born and has lived with her mother, Mazy, until recently. Tigers are typically solitary in the wild, so Mila is prime to embrace the world as an independent young adult tiger, but she’s still a little young to become a mom herself. CMZoo’s tiger habitat in Asian Highlands has plenty of space to make a home for Mila.

Chewy, CMZoo’s nearly 8-year-old male Amur tiger, and Mila will certainly be aware of each other’s presence in the tiger building, where they’ll have separate dens, or in the yards they will take turns exploring. However, there are no immediate plans to introduce the tigers.

For animal transfers, keeper teams from both zoos typically work together to make animal moves as low stress as possible for all involved. They share information about an animal’s favorite treats, enrichment items, trained behaviors, den setups, behavioral tendencies and more. This helps the animal’s new care team provide the best possible welfare once the animal arrives.

“This is Mila’s first-ever move, so we want to make it as positive an experience as possible for her,” said Rebecca Zwicker, animal care manager in Asian Highlands. “She has been Toronto’s sweetheart, so we’re happy to welcome her to our community where we know she’ll be equally admired and respected with a life of choice, opportunity and care.”

Mila’s team will follow her lead as she learns the new faces, spaces and smells at CMZoo. Once she arrives, they’ll focus on building trusting relationships with her through training, enrichment, positive reinforcement and lots of her favorite activities and meals.

“There’s no need to rush things,” said Zwicker. “We’ll be excited to share her with guests as soon as Mila shows us she’s ready.”

Unlike tigers, African lions are social animals. As they mature, they sometimes outgrow their family units. Seven-year-old Boma, who was born at CMZoo in 2015 and has been living with his brother Aslan for the last several years, is showing signs he’s ready for his own pride.

Boma is moving to another AZA-accredited organization in California, where he will be the only male in the pride. Because Boma’s genetics are well represented in the assurance population of African lions in human care, this move is unlikely to result in a breeding recommendation.

“A huge part of our role as keepers is to provide the best possible environments for our animals,” said Rachael Hahn, African Rift Valley senior lead keeper. “When you see an animal is telling you it’s time for something new, we embrace the fact that there’s a reward for them that far outweighs the risk. Of course, it’s hard to say goodbye when an animal moves on, but we really think this new place and pride are going to be perfect for him.”

To prepare him for his road trip, the African Rift Valley animal care team has been familiarizing Boma with his travel crate and making sure he’s in tip-top shape to make the trip. Boma’s keepers at CMZoo have been in contact with his new care team in California, so they can welcome Boma and be aware of his tendencies, preferences and motivators.

“Boma is probably our most confident lion,” said Hahn. “I can just see him strutting into his new home with his impressive presence and quickly winning the hearts of the team and the respect of his new pride.”

With Boma leaving, African Rift Valley keepers are working to provide Aslan with social opportunities, too. Four African lions will remain at CMZoo: the patriarch, Abuto, the aging matriarch, Lomela, their daughter, Elsa, and their son, Aslan. The long-term plan is for Elsa and Aslan to share space, with interbreeding preventions in place, and for Lomela and Abuto to share space. The introduction plan will be ongoing, so guests may see groups of two or three lions together as the care team works to support the changes in the pride.

Guests who want to wish Boma well on his new adventure should do so before Mon., March 27. CMZoo will provide social media updates on Mila’s arrival, including when guests might be able to see her in Asian Highlands, as she settles in.

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Apart from being adorable and full of sassy antics, the African penguins at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo have a big job: to help visitors fall in love with and advocate for wild penguins. Napoleon, Biggs, Ivy and the rest of the flock inspire us to save wildlife and wild places, and their wild counterparts can use all the help they can get.

“Luckily, they have our guests’ and members’ support through our relationship with the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB),” said Nicole Chaney, CMZoo conservation and sustainability coordinator. “Coastal birds, including African penguins, face a lot of challenges – especially right now. So, we continue to be exceedingly grateful for the amazing frontline efforts of the SANCCOB team.”

With guests’ and members’ support, CMZoo has previously sent staff to learn from and contribute to African penguin rehabilitation and release work at SANCCOB. CMZoo also provides ongoing support to fund staff for the Robben Island Ranger project, which allows on-site SANCCOB staff to monitor wild African penguin colonies, study them, and to react quickly if the birds need immediate support. As a member of the AZA African Penguin SAFE, CMZoo collaborates with a large team of penguin conservationists to pool resources and unite focuses and support African penguin conservation with the power of multiple organizations.

African penguins are endangered, with multiple ongoing factors negatively affecting their wild populations, including rising ocean temperatures and overfishing. Rising temperatures and changing ocean currents are causing adult penguins to molt during chick-rearing season. This means they’re not waterproof and are susceptible to hypothermia in cool ocean waters. Some have to turn back from fishing excursions without food for their families.

Overfishing has contributed to the decreasing abundance of fish that penguins can hunt in the wild, including small pelagic fish such as sardines and anchovies. Adult penguins raise their chicks in pairs, so while one parent stays with the chick or egg, the other parent hunts for food. With a dwindling food source, the hunting penguins must travel farther to find fish, leaving the parenting penguins without food for lengthy periods. Sometimes the parenting penguin responds as if the hunting parent won’t return, and abandons the chick or egg to find food.

SANCCOB saves abandoned African penguin eggs and chicks, incubates the eggs, and hand-rears the chicks, until they are strong enough for release back to the wild, where they will hopefully help grow the dwindling population. SANCCOB is the only organization in the world currently doing this. SANCCOB reports that hundreds of penguins were saved over the past year, thanks to rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Unfortunately, releases were delayed due to avian flu restrictions.

“In addition to all of these odds stacked against them, African penguins at SANCCOB are now affected by an outbreak of avian influenza within the rehabilitation facility, following an outbreak of the virus in wild bird populations in 2021 and 2022,” said Chaney. “SANCCOB is working hard to limit the spread of the flu while doing all they can to help birds through it. That meant setting up emergency off-site quarantine facilities and recovery teams, paying for expensive tests for the birds, and limiting volunteers and staff. So, more work, and more expenses with less hands.”

As well as providing ongoing funding for a variety of local and worldwide conservation efforts through Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) and the annual Member Conservation Vote, CMZoo has emergency reserves for immediate conservation needs. CMZoo responded to SANCCOB’s call for support in the amount of $5,000, which, along with the support of other organizations, allowed SANCCOB to quickly respond to the outbreak.

Despite extensive quarantine and biosecurity measures in place, the virus did spread among many birds, but SANCCOB reported the virus has not spread rapidly in most of their seabird patients and that many appeared to shed the virus and recover. A temporary off-site rehabilitation facility has been set up so that newly admitted seabirds can be cared for without exposing them to the birds under quarantine. They are optimistic that the penguins undergoing rehabilitation will continue to recover, and that no additional symptoms develop.

In January 2023, 51 healthy African penguins were reintroduced to the wild, despite the mountain of challenges SANCCOB endured. By visiting CMZoo, guests and members allow frontline conservation organizations, like SANCCOB, to monitor and respond to the immediate needs of the most vulnerable species on the planet. Next time you visit the flock at CMZoo, take a moment to recognize how the penguins you see before you are connected to the penguins that conservationists are working to save in the wild.

Special note: CMZoo’s veterinary, animal care and leadership teams are monitoring the local avian flu risk level closely, and have plans in place to protect the birds at CMZoo if the need arises.

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Zoos often talk about the importance of Species Survival Plans (SSP). While it’s hard not to fall in love with baby animals, it’s important to remember why zoos work so hard to bring them into the world. As matchmakers for the zoo animal kingdom, SSP coordinators study genetics of animals in human care and make breeding recommendations to pair potential mates whose offspring would be the most genetically diverse. The babies represent hope for the future of their species.

SSP coordinators are usually volunteers that work for an organization accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), but don’t typically work directly for AZA. They serve as a central resource for zoos that support the SSP, and how each organization is equipped to help. Although the SSP makes the recommendations, each facility decides how they can contribute through breeding and raising young, moving an animal, welcoming a new animal, or providing a quality home for animals that aren’t breeding.

Typically, SSPs make new breeding recommendations every three years. So, it’s no coincidence that zoo enthusiasts might notice the same species of animal moving to and from several zoos around the same time.

But, animals don’t always move to breed. They could move to make space for more offspring or a new partner. An older member of the family might join a new family or a bachelor group of non-breeding males, for example.

CMZoo supports the Mexican Wolf SSP. For many years before these successful breeding efforts, the Zoo housed a bachelor pack of wolves. Later, the SSP placed various unsuccessful breeding pairs at CMZoo. Until Luna and Navarro’s first litter, in 2018, it had been 20 years since wolf pups were born at CMZoo. Our late matriarch, Luna, and her mate, Navarro, contributed six pups to the Mexican Wolf SSP. Phoenix, Shadow, Bluestem, Hope and Lupa were born in 2018 and Uno, a singleton pup, was born in 2019.

For now, CMZoo will contribute to the SSP by providing a quality home for Navarro, Uno, Hope, Phoenix and Shadow. In 2020, Bluestem moved to another facility on a breeding recommendation, and Lupa now lives at an AZA-accredited zoo in New Mexico.

“It’s exciting to welcome new animals and we understand that it can be difficult to see an animal move, but we all have to remember we’re working to save species,” Ashley Arimborgo, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s registrar, who often oversees the coordination between zoos that are transferring animals on breeding recommendations to and from CMZoo. “The great thing is, you can usually keep up with your favorite individuals on other zoos’ social media channels if they move away from CMZoo.”

Once the recommendations are made, organizations decide if they can support the recommendations, and the SSP coordinator connects zoos so they can arrange travel plans. Before a zoo might welcome babies, there are a lot of “Tetris pieces” that have to fall into place.

“Even after animals move to make room for breeding partners and those breeding partners arrive, it’s typically a lengthy process,” said Arimborgo. “Once an animal arrives, our focus shifts from genetics and logistics to individual care and compatibility. Our animal care teams work to make the new arrival comfortable and then might start introducing the potential breeding pair.”

Howdies are opportunities for animals to see, smell and hear each other with a protective barrier in between them. If animals consistently show positive signs of interest in each other, the next step might be to introduce them without a barrier for incrementally increasing periods of time. But, just because they’re genetically compatible doesn’t always mean they are immediately compatible as individuals.

CMZoo’s Pallas’ cats, Bo and Nancy, have a breeding recommendation, but unfortunately haven’t been successful producing offspring, even though they are cohabitating successfully. Another complication in animal breeding is that some species, like Pallas’ cats, have miniscule windows of fertility. Female Pallas’ cats are usually only fertile for a maximum of 46 hours per year, which is really short compared to other cats and animals. Keepers work with them throughout the year to give them the best chances at breeding when the very limited time is right each winter.

“In the end, it’s mostly up to the animals,” said Arimborgo. “We lean on science and expertise in animal behaviors to provide the best possible environment, but those elements alone don’t guarantee success. Or, you could see an immediate connection between the animals and welcome a baby in a matter of months.”

The ring-tailed lemur family in Water’s Edge: Africa welcomed three babies seemingly as soon as they had the chance. In 2020, Allagash and her sister Rogue were introduced to breeding male, Hercules. The following spring and summer, Rogue welcomed Water’s Edge’s first baby ever, Maky, and Allagash welcomed twins, Elo and Anja. Now, with six lemurs on Lemur Island, CMZoo supports the Ring-Tailed Lemur SSP by providing them with a life of care and choice.

There are hundreds of SSPs supported by organizations that care for animals. CMZoo supports many of them, including the Black-Footed Ferret SSP, Giraffe SSP, African Lion SSP, Orangutan SSP, and more. But, not all species have an SSP.

“Regardless of whether an animal is endangered in the wild, there sometimes aren’t enough animals in human care to support an SSP,” said Ashley Arimborgo, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s registrar. “Because genetic diversity is so important to the viable future of a species, if the larger zoo community can’t support breeding, we focus on another species that we could help.”

Next time you’re adoring a cute baby animal at CMZoo, we encourage you to reflect on the importance of its overall existence to inspire people and contribute to the future of its own species.

Back to The Waterhole

There’s a new addition near the play hills at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: a brand-new shipping container farm, equipped with the latest hydroponic vertical growing technology, including blue and red LED grow lights with specialized wavelengths for leafy green production.

The newly installed high-tech horticulture house is the next step in CMZoo’s goal toward a more secure, autonomous way to source fresh leafy greens for animals. In July 2021, the Zoo established its first shipping container farm, and this second farm is a continuation of the horticulture team’s testing phase.

“We’re excited to learn this new system and to see what works best compared to our existing shipping container farm, which guests can see right next door,” said Julia Zoltowsky, horticulture curator at CMZoo. “This setup looks a lot different, and we have high hopes for improving our production and efficiency with resources like water and energy.”

Guests peering through the glass door at the end of the farm, which is a metal freight container, will immediately notice a big difference: the plants are hanging sideways on vertical panels, rather than sitting upright on horizontal shelves. There’s also a nursery in the new farm, so the horticulture team can grow produce from seeds then transfer them to the hanging grow panels within the same environment.

“The new system is fully automated,” said Zoltowsky. “We use a computer system that gives us a ‘recipe’ for each plant species we’re growing. We input the type of plant in each panel or nursery section, and the system tells us the unique light, water, nutrient and spacing needs, and then delivers those settings on a programmed schedule.”

Anyone who visits CMZoo knows lettuce plays a big role in the Zoo’s success in connecting people to animals, notably the 17-member giraffe herd. Guests can get eye to eye with the giraffe and hand-feed them lettuce every day – whether they’re in their barn or out in their yards – for $3 per lettuce bundle, or $5 for two bundles.

It fluctuates throughout the year, but on average, the Zoo uses more than 3,500 heads of romaine lettuce per month for animal diets. It’s a small part of the giraffes’ diet, but it’s a huge part of the guest experience.

After a satisfactory testing period, the long-term plan is to purchase additional shipping container farms, which will be located in a renovated guest entryway and complement a renovated giraffe habitat. With processes fine-tuned and more farms in place, the Zoo hopes to be able to source approximately 50 percent of the lettuce for its giraffe feeding experience. Even longer term, the Zoo hopes to grow 80 percent of all fresh produce for its animals in farms like this one.

The testing phase allows the horticulture team to learn the high-tech programs, controlled by an iPad on-site and through remote surveillance and software off-site. It will also give them a chance to make sure the ‘recipes’ for each plant are really working, and that the equipment is reliable. There’s a lot to test.

“Part of each plant’s recipe for success includes optimal lighting settings,” said Zoltowsky. “The horticulture team can control the lighting, watering and nutrients remotely, and thanks to cameras inside the shipping container, we can check on the plants without even entering the farm. When things are this high-tech, we anticipate some glitches, but everything is going really smoothly so far.”

At the end of the December, the farm’s first seedlings were moved over to the grow panels, so the first test harvest is well underway. Once the plants are big enough to leave the nursery, they’re moved to a hanging panel which holds the plants sideways with sponges and wicking strips made of thick felt. The plants are held in place by strips of sponge. The panels drip water onto wicking strips that reach the plants’ roots. The plants absorb the water and nutrients that drip down each panel onto the felt wicking strips. At the bottom of the panel, excess water is collected and moved back through the system.

The horticulture team enters data into the computerized system like when seedlings are planted or when they are transferred to a grow panel. The idea is that the system does the rest, including directing the team to harvest on specific dates. The farm has a dedicated Ethernet system and back-up power, so a power or internet outage shouldn’t impact the plants.

“We can see a ton of information through the system, which will hopefully help us be most efficient with our resources,” said Zoltowsky. “Hydroponic growing means you grow plants in water, without soil, so you have more autonomy over how much nutrients go into a plant.”

When plants grow in the ground, farmers work to provide the perfect nutrient balance, which is difficult because there are nutrients in the ground, nutrients in the soil added to the ground and nutrients added throughout the growing process.

“You can test the soil, but it’s hard to find a balance that allows you to grow the plant with exactly what it needs,” said Zoltowsky. “This makes it simple to know exactly what the plant is eating, and that’s how we know our animals are eating safe and healthy produce – because we grew it ourselves.”

The original shipping container farm will continue to be tested. Once the team masters the new shipping container farm, the plan is to dedicate it to lettuce production while the original farm allows them to continue experimenting with growing herbs, browse and other parts of animals’ diets.

“We think we can produce about 3,960 heads of lettuce per month once we’re up and running,” said Zoltowsky. “We want to start slowly while we’re learning this technology, the computer system, and getting new staff on board. We have invested a lot of time and energy into researching the best system for us, and we’re excited to share it with our visitors.”

Guests can see the new and original shipping container farms near the play hills, across from the Grizzly Grill, at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Back to The Waterhole

This summer, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo conservation keepers introduced ten tiny tadpoles to the world. The ‘poster tadpoles’ of their endangered species, the Wyoming toad, morphed into toadlets within weeks. At the end of July, CMZoo fans submitted naming ideas for the ten amphibian siblings on the Zoo’s social media channels, and one theme was a big hit in ‘the office’ at the Zoo. The toads were named Jim, Pam, Michael, Dwight, Stanley, Kelly, Phyllis, Angela, Oscar and Kevin. Since then, they have fine-tuned their hunting skills and are growing big and strong in the conservation center above Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

In the 90s, Wyoming toads were considered extinct in the wild, and only one population remained in human care. That population became the foundation for a breeding program in nine zoological and governmental facilities, including CMZoo, producing tadpoles and toadlets for reintroduction to the wild.

Over its 26-year commitment to Wyoming toad recovery, CMZoo’s conservation team has released 44,695 tadpoles and 1,510 toads into the wild. Next summer, these ten toads and hundreds of others born at CMZoowill take their first hops into the wild as part of this ongoing conservation effort.

“Each summer, we travel to the Laramie Basin, in Wyoming, to release toads and tadpoles to their wild native habitats,” said Jeff Baughman, field conservation coordinator at CMZoo. “We also prepare toads for breeding in the summer, and we welcome new tadpoles to their tanks. It is a really exciting and busy time, but our winter efforts are also important.”

For the conservation team, winter and spring are all about growing healthy toads and preparing them for the next summer’s release. Of course, educating and inspiring the public to care for toads is a year-round priority.

“Toad conservation may not be front-of-mind for most people mid-winter, but we’re always working to help this native species recover,” said Baughman. “Toads are worth saving. They play a vital role at the center of the prairie environment as the best bug control available and as sustenance for migrating birds and native animals in search of food. If the toads don’t survive, the whole ecosystem suffers.”

Amphibians worldwide are facing mass extinction due to a pandemic caused by the chytrid fungus. Chytrid fungus results in a skin infection that hinders amphibians’ ability to breathe and absorb water. This often leads to organ failure and death. Disinfecting outdoor recreation gear used in and near water can help stop the spread of the deadly chytrid fungus. Outdoorspeople who explore waterways can leave their gear in a hot car or the sun for about 3 hours to kill the fungus and prevent transferring it to another body of water.

In winter, Baughman and his colleagues also continue year-round work on the Wyoming toad Species Survival Plan (SSP). SSP managers make recommendations on which breeding toads should be paired next year to achieve the greatest possible genetic diversity for the population, many of which will be released into the wild and some of which will stay in human care to contribute to continued breeding efforts.

A key to making those breeding recommendations, and giving each toad the best chance at wild survival, is identifying each individual. The team can ID each toad by its unique wart patterns. Since those patterns can change as a toad grows in size, each toad is microchipped.

“By scanning each microchip, we have a more reliable way to track important data for each toad,” said Baughman. “For example, we can see if Michael is gaining weight or if Pam is doing well in artificial hibernation prior to being released, without depending totally on their wart patterns. They get their chips around 6 to 8 months of age. The ten we’ve been following on social media and many others in the cohort recently got theirs.”

In addition to tracking important data while the toads are in human care, the microchips also allow conservation teams to check up on the toads once they’re released. During releases, the teams will scan toads they find in the wild to see how many were bred in human care and released into the wild versus a number of toads without microchips, which biologists can safely assume were either born in the wild or grew from the tadpoles released from human care.

“The goal is to encourage wild breeding,” said Baughman. “It’s not sustainable for us to dream of continuing to release thousands of toads and tadpoles every year f We have to discover what the toads need to breed and survive naturally in the wild.”

So far, age seems to have a lot to do with it. In past years, conservationists focused on releasing ‘headstart toads,’ aptly named for their headstart on life. These toads are released into the wild at one year of age, instead of as tadpoles or toadlets. Their bigger size and self-sufficiency, gained from their first year in a safe environment in human care, meant they were less likely to become fish food. At a year old, the toads are not typically mature and ready to breed so a new strategy will be tested.

“This year, we’re going to start releasing two-year-old headstart toads,” said Baughman. “Conservation is a science, and science is all about experimenting to find better ways of doing things. We think that two-year-old toads might be more likely to breed.”

Because Baughman and his colleagues have seen a small increase in wild Wyoming toad egg strands, they know toads are breeding, but they want to further increase wild breeding events. Rather than completely change their approach to release only two-year-old toads, they will also continue to release one-year-olds, including Jim, Pam, Michael, Dwight, Stanley, Kelly, Phyllis, Angela, Oscar and Kevin, in 2023. We will continue to give updates during the spring as their summer release date approaches.

Just by visiting CMZoo, members and guests are making an impact to help toads and other species. Through CMZoo’s Quarters for Conservation program, 75¢ of every admission is dedicated to frontline conservation efforts like this, so guests can enjoy a day on the mountain with their favorite animals and support important programs dedicated to saving wildlife and wild places. Since 2008, when Q4C started, CMZoo’s guests and members have contributed more than $4 million to conservation projects worldwide.

Back to The Waterhole

In 2017, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium established the Giraffe Plasma Bank to help reduce giraffe calf mortalities. The International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe, established this summer, is dedicated to growing the number of available banks around the country, and recently welcomed new partners.

Newborn giraffe calves may be six feet tall and can walk within hours of being born, but they’re extremely fragile. In the wild, calves have about a 50 percent mortality rate in their first year. In human care, it’s about 20 percent. The cause of a calf’s struggles can many times be traced to initial difficulty nursing. Its first mother’s milk, called colostrum, provides important antibodies and proteins. Without it, calves are more susceptible to infections and other health issues.

But, plasma treatments can increase the chance of survival for a calf that doesn’t receive their mother’s colostrum in the first day of life. Plasma is the liquid component of blood, and accounts for more than half of blood’s volume. It contains antibodies and transports nutrients, electrolytes, hormones, and other important substances throughout the body. It also helps remove toxins from the body by transporting them to filtering organs, like the liver, lungs, kidneys, or skin.

To get plasma, you need willing blood donors.

“Not all heroes wear capes,” said Amy Schilz, senior animal behaviorist at the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe (The Center). “Some wear spots.”

At CMZoo, 12-year-old male, Mashama, and 13-year-old female, Msitu, are the most eager voluntary blood donors. The two well-known giraffe work with their trainers to receive positive reinforcers – crackers, in most cases – while their team draws blood from a vein in their neck.


“The sessions are always completely voluntary, and Mashama and Msitu get excited for the reinforcers and extra attention they receive during training sessions,” said Schilz. “They can choose to walk away at any time, and our veterinary technicians use a specialized blood draw setup so the needle comes right out if the giraffe walks away. We also watch for signs of discomfort and we stop if we think a giraffe isn’t enjoying it, but we really don’t see that.”

Each giraffe plasma transfusion requires about six 250 ML bags of plasma to create, and each bag of blood takes about 20 minutes to collect. Once blood is drawn, it is ‘spun’ in a machine called a centrifuge at a local veterinary based blood bank. Centrifugal force separates blood into three components: red blood cells, platelets and plasma. Our veterinary team collects the separated, then frozen, plasma from the blood bank and stores it in CMZoo’s Giraffe Plasma Bank freezer, so it’s ready to go when giraffe calves need it.

The Center’s team shares their training methods, learns from others, and connects organizations that can now work together to make more plasma available in more locations – and that benefits giraffe calves everywhere, regardless of whether they live at an AZA-accredited facility or with a reputable private holder.

“I know this all sounds very scientific, but this program exists because we love giraffe and we want to save as many calves as we can,” said Schilz. “If we all work together, we can do that. That’s why we’re really excited to welcome more contributors to the Giraffe Plasma Bank team.”

In the past year, the multi-location Giraffe Plasma Bank has grown to five locations, and four more are in the process of training and setting up their banks. Dickerson Park Zoo, accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, in Springfield, Missouri, became a contributing member of the Giraffe Plasma Bank recently.

“We care for two giraffes that love to participate in training,” said Tracy Campbell, head keeper of Africa and South America at Dickerson Park Zoo. “Plus, we have a giraffe staff which does a great job with them. This is something we can do to help out the future of the population, and we are happy to do what we can. I give all the credit to my team for their hard work.”

Another new contributor is Highpoint Haven, a private facility and home to four giraffe in northeast Texas. Their team has a goal to lead a better standard of care for privately held exotic animals.

Dan Houck, a passionate giraffe lover and conservationist, owns Highpoint Haven. He has attended many of CMZoo’s giraffe care workshops, now operated by The Center, since 2016. Houck learned about hoof care, blood draw training and more, at those workshops and was able to customize those teachings to benefit the individual needs of the giraffe in his care. In 2021, a calf born into his herd directly benefitted from the knowledge, network and resources he gained at those workshops.

The calf, now named Sophie, was the second baby born to parents Harriet and Gerald. The labor and birth were textbook, but Sophie was unable to nurse.

“About four hours after Sophie was born and still hadn’t nursed, I was starting to get nervous,” said Houck. “We knew it was critical for the calf to get colostrum in the first 24 hours, but learned that many calves struggle if they don’t nurse within the first 9 hours or so. We needed plasma and we had to act quickly.”

Through his participation at the giraffe care workshops, Houck knew he could reach out to Dr. Liza Dadone, senior giraffe veterinarian at The Center and original co-founder of the Giraffe Plasma Bank along with Dr. Priya Bapodra-Villaverde, senior veterinarian at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

Drs. Dadone and Bapodra-Villaverde were eager to help, but it was a Saturday, so mailing plasma to Texas from Colorado or Ohio wasn’t an option because it wouldn’t be delivered on a Sunday. The Highpoint Haven team started bottle feeding the calf with supplemental colostrum. They also drew blood and found that her blood glucose levels were dangerously low. Meanwhile, Dr. Dadone started calling on her network. The team was able to locate two bags of plasma, which were unused after another calf recently needed help at a zoo nearby. The team drove to pick up the two available bags of plasma on Sunday afternoon and administered them to the calf.

“By Monday morning, she was nursing,” said Houck. “The plasma transfusion was life-changing for her. It kick-started her instinct to nurse almost immediately. While we cared for Sophie, the team kept working to deliver more plasma from the Giraffe Plasma Bank to get us through the full treatment, which is six bags. Sophie got her last dose that Thursday and she’s been growing and thriving ever since. Now, she weighs 904 pounds and counting. She’s a handful, just like her dad.”

On Sept. 18, 2022, the Highpoint Haven family celebrated Sophie’s first birthday by making their first contribution to the Giraffe Plasma Bank, with Dr. Dadone on site to assist. Sophie’s dad, Gerald, was the voluntary donor.

“Gerald is a truly a one-in-a-million giraffe,” said Lauren Kimbro, manager of animal care and training at Highpoint Haven. “We have seen first-hand how plasma can save a calf, and Sophie is a healthy, happy calf with us today because of the expertise and generosity of the Giraffe Plasma Bank team. It takes a village, and it’s an honor to be a part of it.”

Since its inception, the Giraffe Plasma Bank has benefitted 13 giraffe calves, and the teams look forward to continuing and expanding that reach as more donors and banks join the effort. To learn more about the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe, visit

Back to The Waterhole

Next time you’re exploring downtown Colorado Springs near the brand-new playground in Acacia Park, look down! You’ll see Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s logo on a storm drain cover on the southwest corner of E. Platte Ave. and N. Tejon St.

The CMZoo-branded drain cover is neat, but what’s underneath is the real interest: a special filter that catches debris. CMZoo members funded the installation of three drain filters that will each prevent around 20 pounds of waste from getting to Fountain Creek per month. There’s one member-funded filter underneath the CMZoo-branded manhole and two others around the city.

In March, CMZoo members voted in the annual Member Conservation Vote to support this effort for $10,873, which funded three drain filters that are already hard at work protecting our city’s waterways and the wildlife that depends on them.

“The mesh nets catch litter and debris that washes into the drains from the street, and the City cleans them out every six weeks or so,” said Nicole Chaney, CMZoo conservation and sustainability coordinator. “We’re playing part of a much larger effort led by the City, and our three filters alone will capture around 720 pounds of pollution per year before it reaches Fountain Creek. Imagine the impact we will make combined with the rest of the filters the City and other partners are installing. We’re protecting our local ecosystems from multiple tons of waste negatively impacting them, and our Zoo members should be proud.”

To help keep trash and debris from washing into Fountain Creek, the City of Colorado Springs Stormwater Enterprise Department partnered with Frog Creek Partners and launched a program piloting this special storm drain filtration device, called the Gutter Bin, in July 2019. This pilot study was a success, and in August 2020, the City purchased six more Gutter Bins. Since then, with support from community partners like CMZoo, the City continues to install the drain filters around town. There are currently 31 filters in place.

“Our members voted this the number one project they wanted to support this year,” said Chaney. “We’re thrilled they want to prioritize local water conservation work, and that we live in a city that makes these opportunities possible for us.”

Back to The Waterhole


MOM AND BABY ARE DOING WELL; GUESTS CAN SEE THEM TOMORROW Bailey, a 10-year-old reticulated giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, welcomed a calf to the herd today at 10:49 a.m. MT. Bailey and the baby are doing well and will be visible from a short distance to guests in the giraffe barn tomorrow, as long as mom and calf continue to appear healthy and calm. The giraffe barn will be a quiet zone for guests and staff, and if mom and baby show any signs of discomfort, the barn will be closed.

Bailey welcomed her second calf – and second daughter – to the world just one hour and 32 minutes after a group of lucky guests saw Bailey’s water break in the giraffe yard outside. The calf appears to be healthy, having met milestones its care team wants to see, like taking its first steps and nursing within the first two hours after it was born.

The calf made several attempts to stand on its own, which is normal for giraffe calves as they get the hang of their long legs. After a few stumbles, the calf maneuvered itself against a fence where it was struggling to get footing. The giraffe care team asked Bailey to move into the stall next to her baby, which she did willingly. The care team then entered the stall with the calf, picked up the calf, and moved her into the center of the stall where she managed to stay on her feet and was quickly rejoined by mom.

Because her care team needed to intervene for just a moment, they were able to confirm the calf is female. We don’t have an exact height or weight on the baby, but she appears to be a normal weight and height for a calf – close to six feet tall and around 125 pounds. Following Cheyenne Mountain Zoo tradition, the calf will not be named until she is at least 30 days old.

The calf is the seventeenth member of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s reticulated giraffe herd. The calf is the seventh to be sired by dad, Khalid (pronounced cull-EED). Bailey was born at Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, in Omaha, Neb., in March 2012 and moved to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo on a breeding recommendation in Sept. 2016. CMZoo’s breeding program began in 1954 and has welcomed more than 200 calves since its inception.

The giraffe building will be closed the rest of today to allow mom and baby some quiet time to bond and nurse. The rest of the CMZoo herd will be available for viewing and feeding in the outside yard from elevated platforms, where guests can get eye-to-eye with and feed lettuce to the herd.

Tens of thousands of worldwide viewers witnessed the calf’s birth on Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s live feeds on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. The indoor live stream, at or, will continue to stream live from the sand stall for about a week, where Bailey and the calf can be seen indoors. Both outdoor giraffe yard camera feeds are also available at or The Zoo will continue to provide updates on social media channels for the coming weeks.

Through Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s Quarters for Conservation program, by which 75 cents of every Zoo admission is allocated to conservation, guests have helped CMZoo send more than $4 million to support important conservation efforts since 2008.

About Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society was founded in 1926. Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, America’s mountain Zoo, offers comprehensive education programs, exciting conservation efforts and truly fantastic animal experiences. In 2022, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo was voted #3 Best Zoo in North America and CMZoo’s Rocky Mountain Wild was named #2 Best Zoo Exhibit in North America by USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. It is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s goal to help guests fall in love with animals and nature, and take action to protect them. Since 2008, CMZoo’s Quarters for Conservation program has raised $4 million dedicated to frontline conservation efforts around the world. Of the 239 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of just a few operating without tax support. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo depends on admissions, membership dues, special event attendance and donations for funding.


Cheyenne Mountain Zoo said goodbye to two rare and endangered animals on Thursday, shining an even brighter light on the gravity of many species’ situations on this planet.

Cofan, a 19-year-old mountain tapir, and Luna, a 14-year-old Mexican wolf matriarch, passed away in unrelated situations, and the Zoo is pausing to honor their conservation contributions, while acknowledging the frightening future many species face. Both individuals were elderly and had experienced age-related conditions in recent years. Cofan was humanely euthanized after veterinary measures failed to revive him from a severe two-day downturn. Luna was found in her den, all signs pointing to a peaceful passing in her sleep.

With Cofan’s passing, there’s a literal empty space at the Zoo and figuratively in tapir fans’ hearts. The chance to ever see a mountain tapir up-close again is bleak, to say the least. Only four mountain tapir remain in human care in the United States, and they all live at Los Angeles Zoo. Unlike Luna, Cofan doesn’t leave a legacy of offspring to keep the species going.

In 2014, Cofan came to CMZoo as a breeding partner to Carlotta, a female mountain tapir who came to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in 1995, and passed away in 2021. After years of attempts, including artificial insemination and natural breeding, it was determined that Carlotta was beyond her breeding years. The end was in sight at that point, but now having lost both of them, it’s right in front of us.

Because of the very low number of individuals in human care, both Carlotta’s and Cofan’s bodies have been donated to Denver Museum of Nature & Science for scientific study. Their losses provide a rare opportunity to further our knowledge of the species.

Countless people came to adore his wooly bear-like ears and prehensile snout. But is being adored enough? If an endangered animal isn’t contributing to the future of its species through offspring, what’s the point? Why keep trying when you feel like you’ve already tried everything? The point is… if animals are going to have a place in our future, humans have to make that place. Accredited zoos help people help animals.

Largely due to our member vote through our Quarters for Conservation program, CMZoo has contributed more than $135,000 to wild tapir conservation.

Mountain tapir need help, with an estimated 2,500 mountain tapir remaining in the wild habitats of their native Ecuador.

“Cofan was a sweetheart,” said Joanna Husby, animal care manager at CMZoo. “Every year on World Tapir Day, we’d invite the public to come right up to his fence and scratch his chin. People would travel from all over to meet him, and he always chose to stay right where we could give him scratches. He seemed to love his role as an ambassador, and I believe he inspired our members to support wild tapir conservation. Without Cofan and Carlotta, they would never have taken interest in those causes.”

Guests had opportunities to get close to Cofan, and even touch him, but Luna was intentionally kept as wild as possible at the Zoo. Luna’s contributions to conservation were more literal.

She came to CMZoo in October 2016, followed by her mate, Navarro who arrived in November 2017. Their breeding recommendation was an instant match, and in May 2018, the two first-time parents welcomed the first litter of Mexican wolves born at the Zoo in 20 years.

The next spring, they welcomed another pup, later named Uno, and Luna embraced motherhood while inspiring human visitors with her gentle leadership, playful demeanor and up-close curiosity from behind the one-way glass in her habitat at the Zoo. Moreover, she taught her yearling pups how to parent by letting the older siblings closely observe her labor, birth and the upbringing of Uno in 2019.

Luna and Navarro had a lot of female pups. Five of her six total offspring are female, and two have already gone on to eventually form their own packs at different organizations that also participate in the Mexican Wolf Species Survival Plan (SSP) – a multi-organizational effort to breed Mexican wolves with maximum genetic diversity. The SSP works closely with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to contribute to and diversify endangered wild populations through efforts like cross-fostering and wild release of pups and adults born in human care. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service estimates there are only around 196 Mexican wolves in the wild in the U.S.

Despite their countless differences, Luna and Cofan shared important roles as ambassadors and contributors to their endangered species in the wild. As Zoo staff bid them farewell, we also hang on to hope that the work these animals allow us to do is actually making a difference for wildlife and wild places.

“We believe it is our job to be a place where people can care about and see some of the world’s most endangered species,” said Bob Chastain, president and CEO at CMZoo. “Further, because people come to the Zoo and support us through the conservation donation included with their admission, we get to make a difference for mountain tapir and gray wolves and many other species in the wild. And that’s my personal ‘why’ for why I continue to be dedicated to the work of CMZoo.”

Right now, decision makers in the state of Colorado are wrestling with the reintroduction plan for wolves to be restored to Colorado’s wild places. They’re taking public comments, and Luna’s legacy alone won’t save wild wolves. Humans have to take a stand for wildlife, and one easy step is making your voice heard at